He was gloomy and absent-minded.
His face was gloomy and his lips compressed.
The river was very wide and muddy, and the jungle was very gloomy and dense
Pierre's gloomy, unhappy look struck her.
She brought into Princess Mary's strenuous, mournful, and gloomy world a quite different atmosphere, careless, lighthearted, and self-satisfied.
In the darkness, it seemed as though a gloomy unseen river was flowing always in one direction, humming with whispers and talk and the sound of hoofs and wheels.
They drove up to the gloomy old house on the Vozdvizhenka and entered the vestibule.
These are valuable gifts in their way, andEchegaray has, moreover, a powerful, gloomy imagination, which is momentarily impressive.
His views of the future were gloomy.
The streets are unpaved and in many places so narrow that two horsemen can scarcely pass each other; as it is seldom that the houses have windows facing the thoroughfares, and the doors are small and mean, they present on both sides the gloomy appearance of dead walls.
Too much in awe of his father to make him a confidant, he wrestled in the gloomy solitude of his own mind.
But he had at the same time a house in one of the narrow and gloomy courts on the north of Fleet Street.
Darmstadt consists of an old and a new town, the streets of the former being narrow and gloomy and presenting no attractive features.
For a whole week it has been "cold and dark and dreary" in Tuscumbia, and I must confess the continuous rain and dismalness of the weather fills me with gloomy thoughts and makes the writing of letters, or any pleasant employment, seem quite impossible.
The feeling described in that fine but gloomy paper which closes the series of his Idlers seemed to grow stronger in him as his last hour drew near.
The one bright side of this gloomy and sordid period was the rapprochement between the Scandinavian kingdoms during the revolutionary wars.
The streets in the older quarters are narrow, crooked and gloomy; but the newer parts of the city, especially those laid out since the removal of the fortifications about 1861, are handsome and spacious.
The surrounding country is a sterile and gloomy wilderness exposed to the cold and blighting blasts of the Sierra.
The dirty streets full of petty traders, the gloomy bazaar with its multitude of tiny shops, the market squares, the blind alleys, the little gates in the dead courtyard walls, all give the place the stamp of a Tatar or Turkish town.
Maupertuis was unquestionably a man of considerable ability as a mathematician, but his restless, gloomy disposition involved him in constant quarrels, of which his controversies with Konig and Voltaire during the latter part of his life furnish examples.
In 1885 he produced a gloomy sketch of student life at Upsala, Erik Grane, which made a great sensation.
The somewhat gloomy Middle Ages were dismissive of ancient Greek ideology.
I also found the lighting too dark which made Act I look very gloomy.
The last Rambler was written in a sad and gloomy hour.
Or, if you're tired of the gloomy look of your lamps, install some recessed lights.
To every type of coast there may be related a special type of occupation and even of character; the deep and gloomy fjord, backed by almost impassable mountains, bred bold mariners whose only outlet for enterprise was seawards towards other lands - the viks created the vikings.
It powerfully suggests the coming Passion, being full of dark and gloomy foreboding.
Despite the rather gloomy weather, the changes are obvious.
Recently, the British cinema scene has been pretty gloomy.
The message however is too gloomy for the author, preacher, actor or judge.
Using dark colors in a kitchen such as this will make it appear gloomy.
In the Aristophanic parody (Birds, 691) the winged Eros in conjunction with gloomy Chaos brings forth the race of birds.
Starfall a world on the edge, where crooks and smugglers hide in the gloomy shadows and modern technology refuses to work.
Perhaps one small sliver of hope amidst the gloomy start to 2005 may be the recovery of the term " human security " .
A vein of sadness runs through his poems, sometimes breakirg out into querulous exclamation, but more frequently ventirg itself in gloomy reflections and prognostications.
The tree grows straight, or nearly so, and has a gloomy and forbidding, but wonderfully stately aspect.
Kutuzov's expression grew more and more preoccupied and gloomy.
The lunatic's solemn, gloomy face was thin and yellow, with its beard growing in uneven tufts.
Perhaps one small sliver of hope amidst the gloomy start to 2005 may be the recovery of the term " human security ".
Whether her look is natural and sexy with a shimmery nude lipstick or flat out bombshell with a bright red lipstick, Rhianna manages to pull off a gorgeous pout by keeping her lips glossy and avoiding dark, gloomy and unflattering shades.
Because they are underground, basements are predisposed to being dark and gloomy.
If you want to see the slopes through rose-colored lenses, a gloomy day is a good time to try them.
The future is an unclear one for Son of Beast, and as of the end of the 2009 season the coaster remains standing but not operating, a gloomy reminder that taller, faster, and more innovative coasters aren't always successful.
Tantalus's betrayal of the secrets of the gods refers to the sun unveiling the secrets of heaven; the slaying of Pelops denotes the going-down of the sun, Pelops meaning the "` gray one," an epithet of the gloomy sky in which the last rays of the sun are extinguished.
Its somewhat gloomy aspect, enhanced by the tortuous narrow lanes flanked by gabled houses of the 15th century, has gained for it among countryfolk the sobriquet of the "Witches' nest" (Hexen-Nest).
Although the Bab g (4) g Y lonian religion presents a very gloomy view of the world of the dead, it is not without a few faint glimpses of a hope that a few mortals at least may gain deliverance from the dread doom.
Though often absorbed in his work and made both gloomy and irritable by his anxieties, he found relief in rides with his wife, and occasionally visiting their relations.
In the heights of Harden (2651 ft.) and Whitecoomb (2695), whence the Clyde, Tweed, Annan, and Moffat Water descend, the high moorlands have been scarped into gloomy corries, with crags and talus-slopes, which form a series of landscapes all the more striking from the abrupt and unexpected contrast which they offer to everything around them.
There are two others of apparently the same origin on the north-west slopes of the Mojanda volcano, but they are less attractive because of their gloomy surroundings.
Viewed from the river it makes a somewhat gloomy, though picturesque, impression, with its parish church (a basilica dating from the 12th century, with four towers), the round watch-tower on the Rhine, old walls in places 15 ft.