To make something less bright.
He dimmed the lights and put on soft music.
To become darker.
The lights dimmed briefly when the air conditioning was turned on.
To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct
To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.
Not bright or colorful.
The lighting was too dim for me to make out his facial features.
Not smart or intelligent.
He may be a bit dim, but he's not stupid.
Indistinct, hazy or unclear.
His vision grew dimmer as he aged.
Disapproving, unfavorable: rarely used outside the phrase take a dim view of.
Lessened, reduced
The diminished Roman Empire never recovered from the sack of Rome.
Made to seem less important, impressive, or valuable
She felt diminished by the report card.
Reduced by a semitone
He saw her blush in the dim starlight.
He squinted at his watch in the dim light.
She focused on the dim light of her microcomputer acting as a page marker in the antique book on her nightstand.
She paused, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim light.
Alex looked down at her, but it was difficult to read his expression in the dim light.
Her white hair and snowy skin glowed in the dim chamber.
The dim instrument panel light revealed a strong profile with an aquiline nose and prominent cheekbones.
In the dim light it was hard to tell what his expression was.
The moon rose, and by its light he could see the dim form of the church tower, far away.
He squinted down at her in the dim light, his gray eyes smoldering with unmasked anger.
Shrunk and cold, As if her veins were sapless and old, And she rose up decrepitly For a last dim look at earth and sea.
It was dim inside the stronghold, and the first torch they crossed that burned with black flames mesmerized her long enough for her to lose sight of Darkyn around a corner.
While the existence of such a personage as Gilgamesh may be admitted, he belongs to an age that could only have preserved a dim recollection of his achievements and adventures through oral traditions.
Noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket.
The light flashed away, leaving her in blackness studded with dim bulbs.
The dim light of hope in his eyes faded into grim acceptance.
The sky began to dim, and she played with the magic, adrenaline speeding the power's flow through her.
It took an instant for her eyes to adjust to the dim coop interior, and then she found herself staring into the desperate eyes of a red fox.
She gazed up at him in the dim light, summoning the courage to address a painful subject.
Her eyes were swollen and red, the silver glowing in the dim light of the room.
The dual sub orbs were dim, casting a sickly light over Hell.
When Ravenna is taken, and Vitigis carried into captivity, Jordanes almost exults in the fact that "the nobility of the Amals and the illustrious offspring of so many mighty men have surrendered to a yet more illustrious prince and a yet mightier general, whose fame shall not grow dim through all the centuries."
Evelyn stood in the dark grey room of the spaceship with its cozy, dim lighting and the soft purr of hidden machines.
He shut the door and straightened his suit while his eyes adjusted to the dim light.
The outline of the dairy was dim in the early dawn light, but the intermittent barking from Brutus was like a beacon.
When she lifted her head to look at his face in the dim light, their lips were only inches away.
There must be recognized in God as a completed actuality, a dim, obscure ground or basis, which can only be described as not yet being, but as containing in itself the impulse to externalization, to existence.
She crept down the dim hall, past the bedroom that Julia and Rachel shared, and on past Brandon's door.
Carmen woke to a dim light shinning through her bedroom window - only the window was in the wrong place - and the bed was hard.
Concrete floors were cool beneath her bare feet, and the perimeter was lit by dim lighting.
The west coast throughout its whole length is covered to a depth of some miles with mangrove swamps, with only a few isolated stretches of sandy beach, the dim foliage of the mangroves and the hideous mud flats presenting a depressing spectacle.
It may be supposed that these crude fancies embody a dim recognition of the physical forces and objects personified under the forms of deities, and a rude attempt to account for their genesis as a natural process.
The old stories of earlier days encircle places which, though denounced for their corruption, were not regarded as illegitimate, and in the form in which the dim traditions of the past are now preserved they reveal an attempt to purify popular belief and thought.
The Teutonic tribes whose dim origins he records have in the course of centuries attained to world-wide dominion.
There is little doubt that some redundant narratives in the Ring were of earlier conception than the four complete dramas, and that their survival is due partly to Wagner's natural affection for work on which he had spent pains, and partly to a dim notion that (like Browning's method in The Ring and the Book) they might serve to reveal the story afresh in the light of each character.
An external symbol in the shape of a ceremony or cult-object is of great assistance to the dim eye of primitive faith.
I am a tall, dim slim brunette, with lots of money.
The lights are not too bright or too dim, they are comfortable for the eyes.
In the RTSW, the patient is placed in a quiet room with dim lighting and is asked to stay awake.
The pain and the sight of her blood made her vision dim.
His course was to enter on dim intrigues at the instigation of his first wife, Maria Antonietta of Naples.
These ideas compose a whole or inseparable unity, but we are able in a dim way to think of them as a system logically arranged.
When we recollect that the Ethiopian Tearchus (Tirhaka) of the 7th century B.C., who was hopelessly worsted by the Assyrians and scarcely ventured outside the Nile valley, was credited by Megasthenes (4th century) and Strabo with having extended his conquests as far as India and the pillars of Hercules, it is not surprising if the dim figures of antiquity were magnified to a less degree.
Behind the Friedrichsbau is the Altan (161 o), or castle balcony, from which is obtained a view of great beauty, extending from the town beneath to the heights across the Neckar and over the broad luxuriant plain of the Rhine to Mannheim and the dim contours of the Hardt Mountains behind.
It has been well remarked that, while all his other friendships are shadowy and dim, this one alone stands out with clearness.
When tired of the broad daylight of American activity, he sought refuge and rest in the dim twilight of medieval legend and German sentiment.
It is not improbable that the three genera of this ancient phylum survive as types of a blindly-ending branch of the Gymnosperms; but be that as it may, it is in the Gnetales more than in any other Gymnosperms that we find features which help us to obtain a dim prospect of the lines along which the Angiosperms may have been evolved.
There is no doubt that in this instance the unnatural quietude, the grave-like silence, and the dim religious light in which the victim was kept contributed to defer death.
The Lapps have a dim tradition that their ancestors lived in a far eastern land, and they tell rude stories of conflicts with Norsemen and Karelians.
There is just a trace of a dim sky-dwelling being, Arawotja, possibly an all but obliterated survival of an AllFather.