A miserable person; a wretch.
In a state of misery: very sad, ill, or poor.
Very bad (at something); unskilled, incompetent.
He's good at some sports, like tennis, but he's just miserable at football.
Wretched; worthless; mean.
a miserable sinner
Causing unhappiness or misery.
Avaricious; niggardly; miserly.
I've been miserable without you.
Would winter be less miserable if the house was warm?
I love you and it's been miserable without you.
Physical ills were miserable, but this depression was unbearable.
She didn't care if he was miserable or not—she hadn't ordered him to babysit her.
Their condition is miserable.
It was understandable on Morino's part, but it must have been miserable for everyone else concerned.
Dean continued to feel miserable but Fred was on a roll.
Look, he was making my life miserable.
You'd make my life miserable.
In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes (445 B.C.), Nehemiah the royal cup-bearer at Shushan (Susa, the royal winter palace) was visited by friends from Judah and was overcome with grief at the tidings of the miserable condition of Jerusalem and the pitiful state of the Judaean remnant which had escaped the captivity.
But owing to the thaw and the subsequent break-up of the miserable Korean roads, six weeks passed before the columns of the army (Guard, and and 12th divisions), strung out along the " Mandarin road " to a total depth of six days' march, closed upon the head at Wiju, the frontier town on the Yalu.
She wasn't spending an eternity miserable.
For now, he was content to make her life miserable while she fed him information about Gabriel.
For many years such characterizations as "Wilderness City," "Capital of Miserable Huts," "City of Streets without Houses," "City of Magnificent Distances" and "A I1udhole almost Equal to the Great Serbonian Bog" were common.
There are only a few scattered settlements within its borders, and a few nomadic tribes of savages eke out a miserable existence on the coast.
I know, I'm a miserable old bugger.
The condition of Sicilian laborers is also miserable.
But if we cannot have them then we become miserable.
The stannary prison was a miserable dungeon at Lidford Castle.
You want to make my life miserable?
During the first half of the 19th century wholesale clearances had been effected in many districts, and the crofters were compelled either to emigrate or to crowd into areas already congested, where, eking out a precarious living by following the fisheries, they led a hard and miserable existence.
Unlike most of our contemporaries at the time we didn't make music for any other reason than it made us absolutely miserable not to.
You may feel miserable, like crying, or you may go off your food.
Put them in to poor accommodation and gave them a miserable pittance to try and feed and clothe themselves.
Who art thou, miserable man, who would smother and extinguish in others the fire of God's Spirit which it has pleased him to kindle in them ?
The immediate effect however of what Knox thus approved was to bring his cause to its lowest ebb, and on the very day when Mary rode from Holyrood to her army, he sat down and penned the prayer, "Lord Jesus, put an end to this my miserable life, for justice and truth are not to be found among the sons of men!"
On a nice day, I would be miserable whilst sitting and watching happy smiley people walk by.
Feeling ' low ', ' miserable ' and tearful for no apparent reason.
The bazaars are miserable structures, covered with mats laid on rafters of date trees.
Surely God loves a pleasant life; whoever is miserable, he hath a full contentment.
I'd heard that live, The Kills usually just stand there, looking miserable.
My days were made miserable by a steady stream of offensive comments.
He gets so miserable, that he creeps away.
The weather remained just as miserable, tho, with a worryingly thick mist enveloping the landscape.
The poor thing is miserable but we love each other and I want to keep her.
Santarosa was killed, apparently because he was too miserable and desperate to care to save his life, when the Egyptian troops attacked the island of Sphacteria, near Navarino, on the 8th of May 1825.
Valdemar was brought up at the court of the German emperor, Louis of Bavaria, during those miserable years when the realm of Denmark was partitioned among Holstein counts and German Ritter, while Scania, "the bread-basket" of the monarchy, sought deliverance from anarchy under the protection of Magnus of Sweden.
As described by Laestadius (1827-1832), their condition was very miserable; but since his time matters have improved.
The pre-social state of man, in his view, is also pre-moral; but it is therefore utterly miserable.
She didn't care if he was miserable or not—she hadn't ordered him to babysit her.
Cynthia tried, but she was so incredibly honest in every aspect of life it was nearly impossible for her to act anything but as miserable as she felt.
You should abase yourselves as miserable friends.
Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time.
Daniel is soon asleep in his own bed; Alistair had never seen him looking so miserable.
I played to some miserable bastards in a small bar in the center of Manchester for very little laughter or money.
Josie has been really miserable; she came down with something that made her very hot and limp and rather bleary looking on Wednesday.
Tho I consider myself a cheery soul, this man made me look like a miserable curmudgeon in comparison to his genuine bonhomie.
Some sections experience marginal but very real gains, while others see their already miserable conditions grow even more desperate.
We have also provided a training center for the refugees who also share this miserable destiny.