(coppersmithing) An alloy of copper, tin, iron, etc.; white metal.
Dull; not reflective of light.
Flat or matte paint allows a deep color expression on the walls while also hiding flaws that may be inherent on the painted surface.
The form is infinitely finer in Matt.
Its proper meaning is "sacrifice," and thus the word hunsl appears in Ulfilas' Gothic version of Matt.
An interesting example of combined quotation is illustrated in Matt.
But an ascetic life was expected of them only when, like the apostles, they went about as missionaries, in which case the rules in Matt.
As regards the effects of his subsequent remorse and the use to which his ill-gotten gains were put, the strikingly apparent discrepancies between the narratives of Matt.
But if the inaccuracy of the fragment in this important respect is admitted the historical character of the whole episode breaks down and it is probably to be regarded as an apocryphal elaboration of Matt.
But he regarded them 4 For a full defence of the authenticity of Matt.
This view was inferred indirectly from Matt.
But he gives a new name to his hero and directly connects his fate with Matt.
Archelaus is mentioned in Matt.
From the absence of scales it was held by the Jews to be unclean, and some commentators suppose it to be the serpent of Matt.
According to Matt.
It must, however, be noted that the power of binding and loosing is given in Matt.
The elder begins a fresh allocution by citing Matt.
The story is referred to in the New Testament in Matt.
Quite apart from the few enthusiasts who would have given a literal interpretation to the text in Matt.
This new interpretation finds expression in Matt.
The most important commentaries on the epistle are those of Matt.
Thus it is quoted by name as a genuine production of Enoch in the Epistle of Jude, 14 sq., and it lies at the base of Matt.
This they called the spiritual baptism, and interpreted Matt.
It ought to be noted, however, that Matt.
The Church's first creed had been " the Fatherhood of God and the Messiahship of Jesus " (A Ritschl); but the " Rule of Faith " (Irenaeus; Tertullian, who uses the exact expression; Origen)- that summary of religiously important facts which was meant to ward off error without reliance on speculations such as the Logos doctrine - built itself up along the lines of the baptismal formula of Matt.
Fairbairn barely refers to the Fourth Gospel in this connexion, and it is doubtful whether Matt.
This view is perhaps favoured by Matt.
He is apparently identified with Beelzebub (or Beelzebul) in Matt.
The main character, played by Matt Dillon, can't afford to join-in, because he has to pay alimony to his ex-wife.
He wore a dark green balaclava underneath a matt black crash helmet.
Matt bateS, aged 16 Lives in Exeter, Devon.
Matt has the potential to be a high class middle-order batsman.
The sill panels were matt black and the rear number plate panel was also matt black.
Matt Everard Making steady progress from a badly bruised ankle.
Later he formed the short lived band special brunch with Matt Irving.
She lightly burnishes all her work giving a matt finish that is reminiscent of the pebbles found on the beach.
United wave bye bye to Maritimo - Matt Reeder Copy from Yorkshire Evening Post of 28/09/2001.
There's a choice of matt or gloss black cast iron pan supports (made by Aga ).
Chief Constable Matt Baggott officially opened the room with a plaque unveiling ceremony in June 2005.
Casein has a deep matt and very slightly chalky finish and is best suited where the background is dry and there's low condensation.
Other paints are so matt that the finish looks almost chalky.
They are usually painted a matt gray to minimize visual intrusion but are situated in dense clusters.
But since the accident Jake has come back, haunting Matt's every step, turning up in weird attire and outrageous costumes.
Europe - The final countdown Come in Matt Bellamy, we have your number.
Also most posts tend to mention gloss work and seem to get coy with matt, which is of concern.
A desperate kick downfield by Matt Gilks was headed on by Alan Goodall for the little striker.
Matt, our Honors student, said the dude is built like a brick house.
This fish completely eclipsed the personal best Matt had set only a week earlier!
The course is led by Matt Ford, former editor of The Big Issue.
Matt 9 v.36 Literally his innards were moved - a deeply emotional response.
Preparation & Application This is water based matt emulsion.
The walls were painted in ' Peach ' Matt emulsion to give a soft, warm glow.
Vinyl Matt emulsion - a hard wearing paint which gives a smooth matt finish.