Very large in scope or scale.
Of a lifestyle incorporating a dietary regimen including locally grown, seasonal, natural foods, or of the diet itself.
The study of the entire economy in terms of the total amount of goods and services produced, total income earned, the level of employment of productive resources, and the general behavior of prices.
Any of the elements required in large amounts by all living things.
The illustration below shows the property sheet for a Draw Triangle action used as part of a sidewall core macro.
Mastering macro photography is possible even if you shoot with a compact camera.
This macro is parsed, but it is not callable.
Besides the standard exposure available in automatic modes, the Rebel XT provides a fair amount of extra exposure control in "Image Zone" presets such as Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Night, and Sports modes.
They could manage just about everything that goes into running a successful city, but the management was largely on a macro scale.
In this macro world of ours, it can be terribly interesting to take a peek under the microscope and see how individual cells react to changes.
Furthermore, players can choose to macro or micromanage at their heart's desire, managing all cities and units directly or choosing to allow them to act on their own.
You can find additional information on how to take high quality pictures by reviewing the How to Take Digital Macro Photos article on the LoveToKnow Photography site.
Dieters would dutifully check off each box on their little paper chart to ensure they met the day's quota for each macro nutrient.
Create and run an economy - Every kid ages 8 to 15 knows about the concepts of macro and micro economics, free market economies, capitalism, laissez faire, supply, demand and opportunity cost, right?
The occasional sandy bays are home to nudibranchs, flatworms, shrimp gobies and other macro critters.
However, often the postscript produced by applications has a lot of unoptimised header macro definition which can lead to enormous files.
Business economics - Covers macro economics, looking at how industry operates and how it is affected by governmental policies and international agreements.
In the macro body, the backslash escapes described above are expanded.
This apparent increase in size is due to macro expansion.
This macro needs work and per- haps may never do the right thing within troff.
A $ fol- lowed by a number (or numbers) is replaced by the cor- responding argument on the macro invocation command line.
If you use a particular macro often, assign it to a toolbar button, a menu, or shortcut keys.
The syntax for defining the macro is similar to that of a function.
The C assert() macro In the standard header file cassert you'll find assert( ), which is a convenient debugging macro.
However, you can edit the macro later to remove any unnecessary steps you recorded.
The current crop of high megapixel consumer digicams with ' super macro ' facilities should also give good imaging.
It provides the micronutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrient potassium and only supplies a limited amount of nitrogen.
For close up photography there is a macro mode that allows you to focus from 5cms away from the subject.
It provides the micronutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrient potassium and only supplies a limited amount of nitrogen.
For macro photography the camera can focus within 1cm of the subject.
It is often a hard thing too decide the rightness or wrongness of any single macro policy move.
This macro provides a convenient shorthand for the most common way to use these macros.
They joy with the digital SLR is the instant replay when experimenting with macro, flash, etc. Hope this help.
These are the smiley images used by the smiley images used by the smiley macro.
With the latter, although the 9-point AiAF set-up is generally top-notch, the macro setting made focusing problematic on some of my shots.
In the two texts presented later in the paper, they reveal strong traces of macro, meso, and micro interventions.
The macro names consist of several words, separated by underscores, going from most general to most specific.
The range of the macro facility, which extends down to 1cm, also makes the camera very versatile.
This radical, ' reflexive ' approach may deploy the insights of both macro and micro systems thinking.
They joy with the digital slr is the instant replay when experimenting with macro, flash, etc. Hope this help.
These are the smiley images used by the smiley macro.
They are right there among other micro events, at atomic and subatomic levels, as distinct from macro events.
During the brief spring, hosts of tiny wild flowers cover the tundra area; a macro lens is needed to photograph them.
You might be looking for a camera to use in wildlife photographer while the rater was only interested in macro.
Instead of playing around with the lens every time to take close up photos of flowers or other small objects, try using the macro mode.
In addition, the 850 SW also features a LED Macro Illuminator, which helps enhance shots taken of close-up subjects in macro mode.
Macro shots of body parts, such as tiny hands or feet, are good shots to take when other shots won't work, since they are easy to compose and light.
Put your macro shots into scale by putting the baby's hand into the hand of his parent, or by using a prop which highlights size, such as a basket or cushion.
Flowers and insects are some of the most sought after subjects for macro photography.
Beginners typically activate the camera macro mode and let the automatic functions set the maximum aperture in order to get the best shot.
However, if you are an advanced photographer working with a SLR camera with interchangeable lenses, then you could opt to add a specialized macro lens and manipulate light sources to snap super shots.
Just remember when you shoot in the macro mode, the depth of field is reduced significantly, which means some areas of the photo will be out of focus.
The big and tall industry is not immune to macro issues such as the economy.
From the use of macro focusing, the worlds seem immense with potential; Gottelier is telling stories using scraps of familiarity.