I hung up before he could concoct some other scheme.
If you like to cook you can even get creative and concoct your own series of Atkins recipes and meal plans!
If parents say nothing, or concoct a cover story, it can be impossible to mount a prosecution.
Or concoct wildly utopian lessons or plenaries for all occasions.
You can concoct a toddy using whiskey, brandy, rum, or bourbon, making the toddy a great party drink because you can make one to each guests tastes.
Effective planners and event organizers do much more than concoct a simple schedule or make a few reservations.
Not only does it not require a trip to the doctor, it's also extremely simple to concoct.
Scientology leaders are now faced with having to concoct a story for their current members explaining the painfully obvious incongruity of their actions.
And featuring a slew of original recipes so you can concoct eighteenth century remedies in the comfort of your own home.
Or concoct wildly Utopian lessons or plenaries for all occasions.
Certainly, eleswhere in Italy, the practice was to concoct sepulchral inscriptions for martyrs who had none.
The chemical process that creates the ink must be performed flawlessly to concoct a sterile ink batch.
You're a new student at a school for magic and it is only through finding the right ingredients will you learn to concoct the most amazing of potions.
Today, Aveeno continues to concoct natural and feel-good skin care products with the same commitment to nature and old world recipes.
Two popes anathematized each other from Avignon and from Rome, and zealous churchmen were at their wit's end to concoct ways and means, by general councils of Constance and Basel and otherwise, to restore peace to a distracted church, and to discipline the clergy into decent living.
You control how much you sell each cup for, how much goes into advertising, you buy your own supplies, concoct your own recipe, etc. For such a simple game, you have a surprising amount of control over your business.
Philip was freely accused of having employed Pack to concoct the forgery; and, although this charge is doubtless false, his eager acceptance of Pack's unproved statements aroused considerable ill-feeling among the Catholics, which he was not slow to return.