To make ready for a specific future purpose; to set up; to assemble or equip.
We prepared the spacecraft for takeoff.
To make ready for eating or drinking; to cook.
We prepared a fish for dinner.
To make oneself ready; to get ready, make preparation.
We prepared for a bumpy ride.
To produce or make by combining elements; to synthesize, compound.
She prepared a meal from what was left in the cupboards.
We have two days to prepare ourselves.
Agreed. Jake, prepare yourself.
Late September aroused the instinct to prepare the den for winter — so to speak.
Consequently, I need more time to prepare my lessons than other girls.
I've pulled off to the side of the road to prepare for visitors.
Lana stood to the side, watching Kelli prepare two plates.
Sarah can prepare things here.
Perhaps God will help me to find a way to prepare him!...
Nothing was ready for the war that everyone expected and to prepare for which the Emperor had come from Petersburg.
Prepare, read the earliest one, sent the night he called to warn her.
We didn't have the opportunity to prepare for her.
The two women went below to prepare the cocoa, leaving Howie and me in the darkened lab.
I'm not promising any miracles. We got a lot to do to prepare the world for Hazel.
It would have made more sense for her to prepare a supper for him, but he insisted that she should have at least one day a week when she didn't have to cook.
This idea, moreover, was conceived in circumstances that were to prepare the way for its realization.
His father's men hurried to prepare their boats to travel while the barbarians reached for their weapons.
Public primary schools include (1) icoles maternellesinfant schools for children from two to six years old; (2) elementary primary schoolsthese are the ordinary schools for children from six to thirteen; (3) higher primary schools (coles primaires suprieures) and supplementary courses; these admit pupils who have gained the certificate of primary elementary studies (cerlificat diludes primaires), offer a more advanced course and prepare for technical instruction; (4) primary technical schools (coles manuelles dapprenlissage, coles primaires suprleures professionnelles) kept by the communes or departments.
Quinn and Howie retreated downstairs to prepare for our first session of the day, with everyone pretending it was a normal Monday.
You need to prepare.
Desperate to maintain her position as her people's protector and outlive those threats hedging closer, she washed her face and changed clothing to prepare for her return journey.
We can prepare, in the laboratory, a white powder that proves to be calcium carbonate, that is, it appears to be wholly composed of carbon dioxide and lime.
But he needed time in order to build a navy and to prepare for the execution of the schemes for the overthrow of the British power in India, which he had lately outlined to General Decaen, the new governor of the French possessions in that land.
As'has been seen, Bacon had no sooner finished this elaborate work than he began to prepare a summary to be sent along with it.
Prepare yourself to move before the suns rise.
The communes, no less than the popes, felt that they must prepare themselves for contest to the death with a power which threatened their existence.
The baggage carts drew up close together and the men began to prepare for their night's rest.
In reply to a communication of President Adams early in 1827 that the United States would take strong measures to enforce its policy, Governor Troup declared that he felt it his duty to resist to the utmost any military attack which the government of the United States should think proper to make, and ordered the military companies to prepare to resist " any hostile invasion of the territory of this state."
Chefs prepare steaks on open gas-fired grills in each dining room, ensuring that meals are served at the optimal temperature.
It had done little to prepare itself for that hour.
As to the third complaint, that the compilers of the Digest altered the extracts they collected, cutting out and inserting words and sentences at their own pleasure, this was a process absolutely necessary according to the instructions given them, which were to prepare a compilation representing the existing law, and to be used for the actual administration of justice in the tribunals.
He was with Napoleon through the greater part of that campaign; and after its disastrous conclusion helped to prepare the new forces with which Napoleon waged the equally disastrous campaign of 1813.
Debray (1827-1888) he worked at the platinum metals, his object being on the one hand to prepare them pure, and on the other to find a suitable metal for the standard metre for the International Metric Commission then sitting at Paris.
Manufactures.-Before the establishment of the republic very little attention had been given to manufacturing industries beyond what was necessary to prepare certain crude products for market.
He devoted about three months to this tour, passing rapidly through the seaboard states and the adjacent portion of Canada, and collecting as he went large stores of information respecting the condition, resources and prospects of the great western republic. Soon after his return to England he began to prepare another work for the press, which appeared towards the end of 1836, under the title of Russia.
By the aid of photography it is easy to prepare a plate, transparent where the zones of odd order fall, and opaque where those of even order fall.
It is possible to prepare gratings which give a lateral spectrum brighter than the central image, and the explanation is easy.
They appear to prepare the injured zone for the coming of the next series of cells.
The elaborate collections made by Daremberg of medical notices in the poets and historians illustrate the relations of the profession to society, but do little to prepare us for the Hippocratic period.
By their relations with the farther East, the Arabs became acquainted with valuable new remedies which have held their ground till modern times; and their skill in chemistry enabled them to prepare new chemical remedies, and form many combinations of those already in use.
At marriage they burn benzoin with nim seeds (Melia Azadirachta, Roxburgh) to keep off evil spirits, and prepare the bride-cakes by putting a quantity of benzoin between layers of wheaten dough, closed all round, and frying them in clarified butter.
Work undertaken to secure this information must be distinguished from prospecting, which is the search for mineral deposits and from development, work undertaken to prepare for actual mining operations.
As a preliminary to his undertaking a serious land campaign on the shores of the Aegean, the general felt himself obliged to concentrate his forces in Egypt, and to prepare them there for the hazardous undertaking to which they were to be committed.
To prepare the vine for planting, it should be cut back to within 2 ft.
When l-gulonic acid is heated with pyridine, it is converted into l-idonic acid, and vice versa; and d-gulonic acid may in a similar manner be converted into d-idonic acid, from which it is possible to prepare d-idose.
Kohl of Bremen to prepare the first volume (1868) of the Historical Society's Documentary History, and he discovered a MS. of Hakluyt's Discourse on Western Planting, which was edited, partly with Woods's notes, by Charles Dean in 1877.
Every effort should be made to prepare a good mealy tilth by suitable ploughing, harrowing and consolidation.
By a proper mixing and blending the manufacturer is enabled to prepare the smoking mixture which is desirable for his purpose; but certain of the rough, bitter qualities cannot be manufactured without a preliminary treatment by which their intense disagreeable taste is modified.
Klaproth, however, was unable to prepare the pure oxide, which was first accomplished in 1821 by Rose.
Lamartine tells us that the Arabs regard the trees as endowed with the principles of continual existence, and with reasoning and prescient powers, which enable them to prepare for the changes of the seasons.
War between Great Britain and Russia was declared on the 27th of March 1854, and it thus fell to the lot of the most pacific of ministers, the devotee of retrenchment, and the anxious cultivator of all industrial arts, to prepare a war budget, and to meet as well as he might the exigencies of a conflict which had so cruelly dislocated all the ingenious devices of financial optimism.