A silvery metallic chemical element (symbol Y) with an atomic number of 39, mainly found in combination with lanthanide elements in rare-earth minerals.
By the same method as had succeeded with aluminium (reduction of the chloride by potassium) Wohler in 1828 obtained metallic beryllium and yttrium.
Additionally, part of the family of soft ferrites, are the microwave ferrites, e.g. yttrium iron garnet.
Ekeberg discovered an element, tantalum, in some Swedish yttrium minerals.
This "new earth" turned out to be nothing more nor less than a basis yttrium phosphate.
In its character yttrium is closely allied to, and in nature is always associated with, cerium, lanthanum, didymium and erbium (see Rare Earths).
Instead, the HTS crystals (made from yttrium barium copper oxide) react individually when they approach the rotor 's permanent magnets.
Cubic zirconia (often abbreviated CZ) is a lab-created crystalline cubic form of zirconium oxide stabilized with small quantities of other minerals, typically yttrium or calcium.
For the preparation of yttrium compounds the best raw material is gadolinite, which, according to Kiinig, consists of 22.61% of silica, 34.64.
Metallic yttrium is obtainable as.
By repeated fractionations he was able to divide yttrium into distinct portions which gave different spectra when exposed in a high vacuum to the spark from an induction coil.
This result he considered to be due, not to any removal of impurities, but to an actual splitting-up of the yttrium molecule into its constituents, and he ventured to draw the provisional conclusion that the so-called simple bodies are in reality compound molecules, at the same time suggesting that all the elements have been produced by a process of evolution from one primordial stuff or "protyle."