A letter of the Old English alphabet, borrowed from the futhark and used to represent the sound of w; replaced in Middle English times by the digraph uu, which later developed into the letter w.
A few more days, and even I wouldn't have been able to undo what Wynn did.
Wynn was unable to hide his surprise this time.
Wynn took up position in a seat near the bed.
He wouldn't say much else, other than she cannot be fixed with the magic of Hell, Wynn explained.
Wynn's eyes fell to her fangs again then drifted down her body.
She traded me to him, Wynn, like I'm nothing.
Wynn studied her, warmth in his eyes.
Wynn was looking at her again, an odd light in his eyes.
Wynn's smile was fleeting.
You made your choices, Wynn.
The light in his eyes was like that in Wynn's, one she couldn't place.
It wasn't the first time she'd heard such a thing, but it sounded far worse coming from the devil than it had Wynn.
She'd packed her favorite clothes to take with her to Wynn's a few days before she ended up in Hell.
Don't give that vial to Wynn.
I know better than to trust Wynn, she said with a sigh.
She'd be helping Wynn out of Hell as well.
Yet the alternative was that Darkyn probably killed Wynn tomorrow, when he failed.
She knocked, and Wynn answered.
Wynn paced to the desk in one corner, pushing the papers around with frustration.
Your time is almost up, Wynn.
Do you have any regrets, Wynn?
She heard what was behind his message, the cunning edge Darkyn didn't try to hide behind pretty words like Wynn did.
Wynn faced her, alerted by the note in her voice.
She heard it in Wynn's, saw it in the ruthless gleam in his eyes.
I have forgiven you, Wynn.
Wynn studied her for a quiet minute.
Oh, to have had this instinct years ago, when she met Wynn!
Wynn wiped his face.
Deidre tipped the vial to tap the last of the liquid out and glanced up at Wynn.
Wynn propped her upper body with pillows.
Deidre put her hands over her mouth to keep from squealing and stepped back to give Wynn room.
She's malnourished and dehydrated, Wynn said.
Wynn said your happiness made it grow.
No more men like Wynn killing me slowly.
Even the one where you planned to lie to me about Wynn healing Selyn.
Did you … can I ask if you sent Wynn home?
She was almost angry enough with Wynn to wish he'd stayed here just a little longer.
Selyn hurried across the room to a pad of paper and pen that Wynn had clearly left behind, if his tight writing on the back cover was any indication.
Did Wynn say if you'll be able to talk again?
Wynn paced in the closet –sized portal room.
Which meant Darkyn wasn't done with Wynn yet.
The only innocent soul in Hell, for Wynn's was as black as the stone blocks of Hell's fortress.
It was beyond Wynn's control, but maybe, somehow, another deity was able to save Deidre from Darkyn, who was not likely to be merciful, even to his mate.
This thought, of what the demon lord might do to the poor girl who had suffered enough, was what made Wynn feel guiltiest.
What if he wasn't strong enough yet to fix the chain-of-events that Wynn had unknowingly started?
Suspecting it had belonged to the goddess who was Death, Wynn still wasn't expecting anyone in their right mind to revive the most dreaded of the deities.
In the meantime, Wynn was trapped in a room that felt way too small with the deity he meant to kill instead of the human he almost succeeded in killing.
Wynn didn't want to imagine what Darkyn did to the sweet girl he left behind in Hell.
Wynn pitied her but wasn't about to ask any favors of the demon lord that didn't involve Wynn leaving Hell – and Deidre – behind.
Neither a hero nor a Good Samaritan, Wynn found himself retreating to the far wall, in case the worst-case scenario happened, and one of the powerful creatures decided to act.