A wriggling movement.
To twist one's body to and fro with short, writhing motions; to squirm.
Teachers often lose their patience when children wriggle in their seats.
To cause to or make something wriggle.
He was sitting on the lawn, wriggling his toes in the grass.
To use crooked or devious means.
From time to time she performs a nesting wriggle.
There does not seem to be much wriggle room there.
A harness is generally a better choice for more energetic animals because they cannot wriggle out of it as they can with a traditional collar.
Elise snapped, tossing a glance over her shoulder at the brunette trying to wriggle free of her.
The thought of killing vamps made his adrenaline pick up and his magic wriggle free from the tight grip he had on it.
Of name to try to wriggle then charged higher the most likely.
The only point to identify now is how the late payer will attempt to wriggle out of paying interest.
Ca n't wriggle out of giving a relative a gift?
These organic cotton clothes are cut that little bit roomier to give cloth diaper bottoms ' Room to wriggle '.