A subgenre of electronic music employing unstable rhythms, complex time signatures, and mid-range synths.
Lopsided, misaligned or off-centre.
Feeble, shaky or rickety.
(especially Usenet) Suffering from intermittent bugs.
Generally incorrect.
Likewise the lantern on the right looks a bit wonky.
My face didn't go right back to normal, my smile is a little wonky, my eye seems a little smaller.
At a glance, you see a bunch of slightly wonky letters in Latin around some dim pictures.
Inside is very chic and minimalist, ie the sits are very uncomfortable and the tables are all wonky.
I normally use ring pull tins, but my cutting is very wonky with the right handed knives.
The signals only went wonky around the power devices.
Then there 's the wonky wheels almost falling off country tinged 'Party '.
Apart from my eye not blinking fully and having a tiny wonky smile, I 'm almost there.
Backs were turned on the youth, leaving him only Alice and a deaf elderly man with wonky teeth.
No-one except wooden boatbuilders wants curved wood, so every time a tree is cut down the wonky bits get chopped up for firewood.
My face did n't go right back to normal, my smile is a little wonky, my eye seems a little smaller.
Its still important to get some good right angles or else the toy will still look wonky.
Collision detection can be a little wonky at times, but on the whole, this game does a more than competent job of recreating the fast-paced fun one would expect a game set in this animated universe to offer.