A member of the Industrial Workers of the World, a militant, radical labor union.
A wobbler; a fit of rage.
Unsteady and tending to wobble.
She sat down on a wobbly chair and wiped her face.
She rose, still wobbly, and crossed to the bed, perching on it beside Ully.
A long wobbly form was standing in the fresh hay.
She stood on wobbly legs and all but dragged Toby to his feet.
Her legs were a little wobbly, and she waited for them to steady her.
Check the bed periodically to make sure it isn't wobbly.
Her legs were wobbly, the muscles of her inner thighs stiff.
After paying the check he maneuvered the wobbly woman up the stairs while she chatted merrily about the meal, the weather and the price of steak.
He was still wobbly as he stood in the hot shower while the sun dipped below the horizon.
We had a little scotch tasting session so after I felt a tad wobbly soon after.
Go out to discuss soakaways; Ian takes down a " lintel " for us that was looking wobbly.
If you have a wobbly fan, check the electrical box for any printing that identifies it as "heavy duty" or "for use with a ceiling fan."
You will know that the custard is ready when the sides are set and the center is a bit wobbly.
Grabbing his wobbly, stumbling partner, the man made a dash for the curb, nearly knocking down Fred O'Connor, who was only steps from the bar.
She sat for a moment until her wobbly legs were strong enough before forcing herself to her feet.
With your knees feeling a bit wobbly, you knock at the Head's door.
J rather wobbly, I hope she's alright.
The suspension isn't much better either, managing to be both too firm and too wobbly at the same time.
Then in the second my serve completely went wobbly.
Violent storms are increasingly common as the conveyor becomes wobbly on its way to collapse.
The milk pudding was wobbly and delicate and came with delicious saffron infused crispy rice pudding.
The suspension is n't much better either, managing to be both too firm and too wobbly at the same time.
With your knees feeling a bit wobbly, you knock at the Head 's door.
Lola has a wobbly tooth but hates the thought of it dropping out.
Some of these Early Warning Signs might be heart beating faster, butterflies in the tummy, wobbly knees.
He stood up for the first time in his life on wobbly little legs to watch us pass.
If it seems wobbly, you will want to avoid this crib.
If you find that furniture is getting wobbly or seems to be uneven, check it carefully for loose nuts and bolts.
Broken legs, wobbly tables, and ill-fitting drawers are all "deal-breakers."
They will use the table to pull themselves up and lean on them as they make their way around the room on wobbly legs.
If your model looks a bit wobbly, they strengthen the columns or add more bracing.
I feel quite wobbly, having heard first hand from him.
Despite this, there is no doubt that wobbly episodes have been observed by any number of people in any number of contexts.
I'll remember that next time Foster makes another wobbly bridge or tower block shaped like a vegetable.
J rather wobbly, I hope she 's alright.
Little wobbly down west of state the ship did you'll find varieties.
Is the front wheel a little wobbly on your jogging stroller?
Climbing a wobbly ladder to perform the task can be dangerous but ascending stairs to remove and replace sheets, pillowcases and comforters is fast, easy and safe.
Toddlers with A-T are usually wobbly walkers.
If you feel even the slightest bit wobbly, switch to a lower heel.
Then it all started to go a little bit wobbly.
Returned to City having had a decidedly wobbly 16 month period with Cinderford Town under John Murphy.
The May Strasbourg session got off to a slightly wobbly start.
Wobbly steering From PC Format 179, October 2005 The opening chords of Windows sound like a strangled cat.
Why oh why in this day and age do we have to struggle and struggle with shopping trollies with wobbly wheels !
You could have tag-team matches or require competitors to fence blindfolded after being spun around just enough to make them wobbly.