He spies bat-eared foxes, porcupines, wildebeest, buffalo - oh, and a leopard tortoise.
The Gambia has no migrating wildebeest, giraffes or any of the large animals commonly associated with Africa.
You can only see those wildebeest in Kenya or Libya and far away from this country, Lome, Togo, West Africa.
A second and larger species is the brindled gnu or blue wildebeest (C. taurinus or Catoblepas gorgon), also known by the Bechuana name kokon or kokoon; and there are several East African forms more or less closely related to the latter which have received distinct names.
In the Vryheid district the kudu, blue wildebeest, waterbuck, reedbuck, impala, steinbok and klipspringer are also found.
The last section of the true antelopes is the Bubalinae, represented by the hartebeest, Bubalis, blesbok and sassaby (Damaliscus), and the gnu or wildebeest (Connochaetes, also called Catoblepas), all being African with the exception of one or two hartebeests which range into Syria.
Other interests include emerging disease epidemiology, antibiotic resistance, and wildebeest migration.
Some of the other species include wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and gazelles.
The toughest beasts in Africa, pound for pound, are the blue wildebeest and the zebra.
Marking the end of the African rainy season, the annual wildebeest migration is the largest movement of wildlife on the planet.
You use the balance board to complete some of the mini-games, one of which is Beestie Boarding where you use you butt to maneuver a wildebeest down a slope.
In the Kalahari and in the eastern lowlands (from Zululand to the Zambezi delta) most of these animals are still found, as well as the eland, wildebeest and gemsbok.