People who are wicked.
It was a wicked thing to say.
It was a wicked thought.
And finally she made a wicked plan to satisfy her depraved appetite for pork.
Meet the original wicked stepmother.
Oh, that wicked Prince Hippolyte! she said.
The punishment of the wicked especially occupies his thoughts.
The wicked side of her wanted to push in a few books next time he left, just to irk him.
He leaned in close with a wicked smile.
He pulled a wicked, toothy grin.
Even now he was helping Katie push her out into the wicked world.
One is that Adam is said to have had from the first a wicked heart, owing to which he fell, and his posterity likewise, into sin and guilt.
It appears to be traceable in its Greek dress in writings of the philosopher Democritus and the dramatist Menander; it was certainly known to the author of Tobit and perhaps to the author of Daniel; some would trace its influence in the New Testament, in the parable of the wicked servant and elsewhere; it was known to Mahomet and is referred to in the Koran; it has been included among the tales in the Arabian Nights; and it survives in a good many versions ancient and modern.
According to Lactantius, it prophesied the overthrow of Rome and the advent of Zeus to help the godly and destroy the wicked, but omitted all reference to the sending of the Son of God.
The ethical standard of the book is high except in the bitterness displayed towards the "wicked," that is, the enemies of the Jews.
Special mention may be made here of the tale of Abikar - the wise and virtuous secretary of Sennacherib, king of Assyria - and of his wicked nephew Nadhan.
Blessed is Pat man fiat haft not gone in fie counsell of wicked men, and in fie weye of sinfull men hap not stonde, and in fie chaire of pestilence sat not.
He does not discuss the possibility of successful resistance to the Chaldeans; he simply assumes that the attempt is foolish and wicked, and, like other prophets, he identifies his political programme with the will of God.
A similar story appears in the Book of Enoch, and Tertullian has much to say about the wicked angels who revealed to men the knowledge of gold and silver, of lustrous stones, and of the power of herbs, and who introduced the arts of astrology and magic upon the earth.
A large majority of the state legislature, however, were Democrats, and in his message to this body, in January 1861, Governor Magoffin, also a Democrat, proposed that a convention be called to determine " the future of Federal and inter-state relations of Kentucky;" later too, in reply to the president's call for volunteers, he declared, " Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern States."
Her vocal powers also include a wonderfully wicked laugh.
One wicked witch named Mombi stole him and carried him away, keeping him as a prisoner.
Something Wicked This Way Comes What is the origin of the line " Something wicked this way comes "?
But in French story Helyas is not the son of Parzival, but of the king and queen of Lillefort, and the story of his birth, of himself, his five brothers and one sister is, with variations, that of "the seven swans" persecuted by the wicked grandmother, which figures in the pages of Grimm and Hans Andersen.
Russell spoke with spirit and dignity in his own defence, and, in especial, vehemently denied that he had ever been party to a design so wicked and so foolish as those of the murder of the king and of rebellion.
He is, in fact, an instance of the tendency, which has so often been remarked by other nations in the English, to drag in moral distinctions at every turn, and to confound everything which is novel to the experience, unpleasant to the taste, and incomprehensible to the understanding, under the general epithets of wrong, wicked and shocking.
Its preaching is practical and direct, asseverating the reality of Sin, "the everlasting punishment of the wicked," and Redemption.
In his trenchant criticism of the origin of what passed for Christianity in his time, he spoke bitter and severe truths, which have gained for him the reputation of the most rabid and wicked of all the enemies of Christianity.
When Horus grew ie set out to avenge his fathers murder, and after terrible ggles finally conquered and dispossessed his wicked uncle; is another version relates, the combatants were separated by th, and Egypt divided between them, the northern part ng to Horus and the southern to Seth.
Hitherto Monmouth had been but the spoiled child of a wicked court.
It was a wicked though.
I'm the wicked witch-bitch who laid bread crumbs to my lair and seduced poor naive daddy.
God will never bestow His priceless gift that the wicked might be tormented endlessly in that fire.
The house lands atop Oz's Wicked Witch of the East, killing her and making Dorothy an instant celebrity.
Synopsis On the run from the wicked queen, Snow White becomes housekeeper to a bunch of diminutive miners.
Wicked FX contacts can top off a costume or give you an unexpected gaze when you're wearing your normal jeans and t-shirt.
The first stop on your shopping list has got to be Wicked Temptations, where the name truly says it all!
You're always sure to stand out in the crowd when you wear a swimsuit by Wicked Weasel.
She was hell on wheels, moaning and carrying on something wicked!
The fifth and last book takes up the question of man's free will and God's foreknowledge, and, by an exposition of the nature of God, attempts to show that these doctrines are not subversive of each other; and the conclusion is drawn that God remains a foreknowing spectator of all events, and the ever-present eternity of his vision agrees with the future quality of our actions, dispensing rewards to the good and punishments to the wicked.
It was considered a sufficient safeguard against the spiritualizing eschatology of Origen and his school to have rescued the main doctrines of the creed and the regula fidei (the visible advent of Christ; eternal misery and hell-fire for the wicked).
Here corporal as well as spiritual punishment was endured; it was inflicted on apostate Jews or the wicked generally; the righteous witnessed its initial stages but not its final form.
Not at all systematic, it is occasional, practical, poetical and dominantly evangelical, laying stress on the hope of the righteous rather than the doom of the wicked.
He spoke frequently and distinctly both of final reward for the righteous and final penalty for the wicked.
The doctrines of the Resurrection, the Last Judgment, the Reward of the Righteous and the Punishment of the Wicked are not less distinctly expressed than in the other apostolic writings.
Socinianism taught a new spiritual body, an intermediate state in which the soul is near non-existence, an annihilation of the wicked, as immortality is the gift of God.
Nitzsch argues against the doctrine of the annihilation of the wicked, regards the teaching of Scripture about eternal damnation as hypothetical, and thinks it possible that Paul reached the hope of universal restoration.
The owner of the vineyard, who had sent his servants and last of all his only son, would visit Lheir rejection and murder on the wicked husbandmen.
Herat remained thus till Kamran's death (1842), and after that was held by his able and wicked minister Yar Mahommed.
The more actively and aggressively religious party, on the other hand, adopted the belief in the resurrection of the body, and in the individual's participation in the Messiah's kingdom; all the pious would have their share in it, while the wicked would be outcast.
Their home is the world below, whence they ascend to earth to pursue the wicked.