The quality of being whole.
How can we die in wholeness when we have lived our lives in such partiality?
Trained as he had been to the study of marbles and the severity of the antique, and openly avowing that he considered the antique superior to nature as being more eclectic in form, he now and always affected precision of outline, dignity of idea and of figure, and he thus tended towards rigidity, and to an austere wholeness rather than gracious sensitiveness of expression.
He can see the wholeness of life and feels a deep reverence for the beauty of it all.
This book offers principals of dream interpretation as well as symbolism that can be translated to help you achieve wholeness.
It is the wholeness, the unity, that is the source of everything in the universe.
Gemini, therefore, is regarded as androgynous and as such has the capacity for divine wholeness.
Improve the relationship between breath, body, and mind to create wholeness and peace.