Which of two.
Introducing a direct interrogative question (often with correlative or) which indicates doubt between alternatives.
Used to introduce an indirect interrogative question that consists of multiple alternative possibilities (usually with correlative or).
He chose the correct answer, but I don't know whether it was by luck or (whether it was) by skill.
Without a correlative, used to introduce a simple indirect question.
Do you know whether he's coming?
Used to introduce a disjunctive adverbial clause which qualifies the main clause of the sentence (with correlative or).
He's coming, whether you like it or not.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all wish everyone would like us.
He needs you right now, whether he knows it or not.
I really don't know whether to finish him or not.
I was unsure whether my husband would actually come with me.
Whether or not you take my deal, I'll help her.
It was hard to tell whether the sarcasm had gone over his head or he simply wasn't amused.
Whether or not she tells him is the big question.
Unsure whether to move away from him or verbally fend him off, she did neither.
We are not sure whether the station has been demolished or still exists.
It was hard to say whether Alex was withholding facts so she couldn't contest his decisions or simply because he thought she did not need to know.
There is some debate as to whether the poor should even try to feed themselves.
Whether things in the future stay the same as they are today or change from what they are today, both are understood in terms of the current reality.
She'd been on the verge of dying, discussing how her impending death forced her to decide whether she wanted to live or mourn.
He claimed he was giving her a choice the night before of whether she wanted to be with a sword-wielding maniac.
Whether it was the panic in my voice or my description of the facts, Jackson was beginning to realize the seriousness of what might be happening in his jurisdiction.
Let him tell you whether I have told the truth.
If he made a choice, she wanted it to be the choice he'd make whether or not she was there.
She had some money tucked away in a cookie jar in the kitchen and she intended to pay him something, whether he liked it or not.
To start off with, the film can't decide whether to be a comedy or an inept horror film.
Honestly, I don't know whether I can or not.
She wondered again whether or not he had a harem elsewhere.
He did not know whether he should take the right-hand fork or the left-hand.
It was hard to say whether she would visit Alex, or whether he would even know who she was.
But he told me he'd give me a choice about whether or not I wanted to be with him, even though he's obligated by those laws.
She could not fathom whether it was curiosity, devotion, gratitude, or apprehension and distrust--but the expression on all the faces was identical.
At the moment, she wasn't sure whether she found all his concern touching or insulting.
It was hard to tell whether he was trying to impress his sister or shock her.
Whether it was Pumpkin's advice or the sunny day, Cynthia's mood lightened as they drove.
We have recently been experimenting with heat meters, to see whether the possibility of charging via their readings is viable.
However, none of the restrictions recommended here will give any problems whether it is used or not.
His coachman did not even ask whether he was to wait.
It makes but little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail.
Then I let her decide whether she will sew or knit or crochet.
For some time he stood in silence considering whether he should follow him or go away.
He had volunteered his help, and now he was going make his offer good... whether he wanted to or not.
Carmen was always willing to listen, whether it was something happening at work or his plans about the wildlife safari.
My offer is good whether you expire in three months or an eternity.
Whether or not she wished to accompany him was not his concern.
Whether that was good or bad was still up for debate.
Whether she did or not was none of his concern.
The total thermal effect, too, which is associated with the transformation, must be the same, whether the transformation is conducted directly or indirectly (Hess's Law of Constant Heat Sums), since the thermal effect depends only on the intrinsic energies of the initial and final systems.
There is no way to determine whether a given attribute comes from the source or not.
Rhyn frowned, not sure whether he wanted the woman or not.
He'd claimed her, whether in a fit of jealous fury after hearing Kris's name or for some other purpose.
She was barely on her feet and debated whether or not she'd get up to turn off the light or fall asleep right there.
The strange spell left her breathing hard and confused as to whether she'd had a heart attack or worse.
Jackson loved being out in the snow, whether skiing or just walking.
He feared the palace would go down with Death, what with the nonsense she was spouting about leaving. He took in his best friend's features, uncertain whether becoming Death was a good thing or not. Gabe looked the same, and hopefully, he wouldn't turn into the riddle-talking sociopath that preceded him.
While talking to Princess Mary he continually looked round as if asking everyone whether he was doing the right thing.
Whether or not you still care for me, you care for him.