To breathe hard, and with an audible piping or whistling sound, as persons affected with asthma.
The quality or symptom of breathing with an audible wheeze
Crackling is much better than that faint wheezing.
A fine young man when we start, I was a wheezing old crone when we eventually get to the top.
Overall 33% of respondents had a history of wheezing and 11% of these were diagnosed asthmatics.
As with other inhalation therapy paradoxical bronchospasm may occur with an immediate increase in wheezing after dosing.
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema Chronic bronchitis and emphysema stop the lungs from working properly, typically causing breathlessness and wheezing.
Symptoms progressively restrict a person's ability to breathe and include persistent coughing, wheezing, excessive production of phlegm and ongoing shortness of breath.
Symptoms of allergy include rash, wheezing, shortness of breath, and swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.
This means salmeterol is used to prevent asthma attacks, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath, rather than to relieve them.
Longitudinal studies demonstrate that maternal smoking is associated with an increased incidence of wheezing illness, particularly at younger ages.
A strange wheezing noise was heard near the window end of the room, rather like someone struggling for breath.
Incidence is also used to describe the frequency of events such as wheezing attacks and hospital admissions.
Once a child does sleep alone, caregivers should hear no snoring or other wheezing sounds at night.
Studies investigating the introduction of solids in relation to ever wheezing came to conflicting results.
Wheezing in children is most often caused by colds rather than by asthma.
This might help to explain the link between RSV bronchiolitis and wheezing in later childhood.
Sneezing or wheezing - Cats don't normally breathe through their mouths, so you'll notice right away when they are having trouble breathing.
They may make small wheezing noises or sneeze a lot.
The doctor may note chest retractions with breathing and may hear wheezing and decreased breath sounds when listening to the chest with a stethoscope.
Sometimes, pieces can be aspirated into the lungs, and even though breathing returns to normal, wheezing, chest pain, persistent cough, and pneumonia can develop within a few days due to the foreign body in the lung.
Asthma-A disease in which the air passages of the lungs become inflamed and narrowed, causing wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
They can also experience wheezing or other asthma symptoms.
This test can see if there is a correlation between episodes of acid reflux and other symptoms, such as chronic cough, wheezing, or sleep apnea.
It is sometimes difficult in children for doctors to differentiate between stridor and wheezing caused by asthma.
After two or three days of these symptoms, the bronchiole inflammation becomes severe enough to cause cough, wheezing, and rapid breathing.
Fast breathing rates, wheezing, abnormal muscle contractions, or a blue cast to the lips or fingernails should all alert the parent that the child is having difficulty breathing and should be seen immediately by a healthcare provider.
Some of the other adverse effects are chest tightness; wheezing; nasal stuffiness; dry mouth, nose, and throat; sore throat; respiratory depression; sneezing; and a burning sensation in the nose.
The symptoms include wheezing, difficulty breathing, and sometimes respiratory failure.
Other symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and frequent occurrences of respiratory illness, such as bronchitis.
This narrowing, in turn, produces wheezing and breathlessness that sometimes causes the patient to gasp for air.
In most cases, inhaling an allergen sets off the chain of biochemical and tissue changes leading to airway inflammation, bronchoconstriction, and wheezing characteristic of asthma.
Many pulmonary infections in early childhood, including those due to Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and respiratory syncytial virus, have been linked with an increased risk for wheezing and asthma.
Wheezing is often very obvious, but mild asthmatic attacks may be confirmed when the physician listens to the patient's chest with a stethoscope.
Wheezing is often loudest when the child breathes out, in an attempt to expel used air through the narrowed airways.
Besides wheezing and shortness of breath, the child may cough and experience pain or pressure in the chest.
Others spend much of their days (and nights) coughing and wheezing, until the asthma is properly treated.
The diagnosis of asthma may be strongly suggested when the typical symptoms and signs are present, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or chest tightness.
However, people who have a cough with wheezing (bronchospasm), indicating that the bronchial airways are narrowed or blocked, may be given a bronchodilator to relax the muscles and increase ventilation.
Asthma causes wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
The premise for their view is that shortness of breath or wheezing is the result of obesity, not asthma.
Your lungs also get better at oxygen absorption, decreasing the embarrassing wheezing display after having to walk the stairs when the elevator is out of order.
Occasionally, bee stings can cause systemic reactions that may result in much more serious medical concerns, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, hives, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, anxiety or low blood pressure.
If you experience hives, wheezing or swelling in the throat, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately.
The woman had wrapped Iliana.s hand and elevated it, though the blonde's wheezing led him to believe she wouldn.t last long.
The doctor listens with a stethoscope for wheezing and other abnormal lung sounds in the patient's chest.
Symptoms of rhinitis or asthma may also occur, causing a runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, and abnormal high-pitched breathing sounds, further worsening the breathing problems.
The airway may be blocked, and the child may be wheezing as well as confused and weak.
The physician will listen to the child's chest with a stethoscope for specific sounds that indicate lung inflammation, such as moist rales and crackling, and wheezing, that indicate airway narrowing.
The parent or caregiver should seek emergency assistance if a child has a severe or rapidly worsening allergic reaction to a drug that includes wheezing, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Swelling of the airways may cause wheezing and respiratory distress.
Wheezing is rare and the infant is usually without a fever.