A small, one-wheeled (rarely two-wheeled) cart with handles at one end for transporting small loads.
Some of which were shown off in wooden wheelbarrows.
Set up an obstacle course with any items you might have on hand, such as hay bales, wheelbarrows, garbage cans, tires, logs, hula goops, boxes to crawl through, etc… Have kids take turns going through the obstacle course.
Fragments of pottery and bones of animals alone filled several wheelbarrows.
Avoid manual handling where possible, by using wheelbarrows or machines.
Their little wheelbarrows are lined up in their allotment shed, each bearing the name of a child.
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Traditional wheelbarrows also needed a lot of maintenance to keep in good working order.
You want to leave at least several feet between the vegetable beds so that you can maneuver wheelbarrows and other equipment around the garden, and also so that you can easily walk among the rows for watering, weeding, and harvesting.