One of the four principal compass points, specifically 270°, conventionally directed to the left on maps; the direction of the setting sun at an equinox, abbreviated as W.
To move to the west; (of the sun) to set.
Situated or lying in or toward the west; westward.
Of wind: from the west.
Of or pertaining to the west; western.
From the West; occidental.
(ecclesiastial) Designating, or situated in, that part of a church which is opposite to, and farthest from, the east, or the part containing the chancel and choir.
Towards the west; westwards.
I understand you have a big ranch west of here.
California is a long way from West Virginia, Betsy.
It read, 'Croft's Feed, Alder's Bridge, West Virginia!
Some of them ran towards the east, some towards the west, and some towards the south.
Elise promised to find her by dusk, and together, they'd go west, to the Peace Command Center.
They drove west, away from DC.
He never wore a coat and she wondered if he even felt the cold west Texas wind.
The place didn't look anything like West Virginia.
We... actually, I... was thinking about adopting a few wild horses from out west where they have too many.
This time they started out heading west, into a maze of arroyos and low brush.
I'm on the road with West Virginia behind me, taking a brief rest from my hobby.
We searched unsuccessfully for a map of the West Virginia.
Millions of men, renouncing their human feelings and reason, had to go from west to east to slay their fellows, just as some centuries previously hordes of men had come from the east to the west, slaying their fellows.
The only ones west of the Mississippi are Kansas and Oklahoma, and Arizona and New Mexico in the west.
You won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
The conversation drifted to clothing—Cynthia's search for an appropriate wedding dress for the mother of the groom, and Jennifer's west coast dress shop.
Gabriel and Darkyn rose, their attention going west toward the ocean.
I take it we've not heard from the central or west coast sites this week?
Many of the great historic movements of peoples were doubtless due to the gradual change of geographical or climatic conditions; and the slow desiccation of Central Asia has been plausibly suggested as the real cause of the peopling of modern Europe and of the medieval wars of the Old World, the theatres of which were critical points on the great natural lines of communication between east and west.
However, on this, the shaded west side, aided by the steady flow from the tapped pipe, massive icicles, bulges and clusters coated the side.
The tall trees were draped in a white robe that had drifted to the earth, not snarled their way downward like the wind driven Eastern storms where snow was a dirty word, not the magical hush that mother nature bestowed on the mountains of the west.
She looked around, overwhelmed by the idea of trying to find a way west on her own.
Naw. My guys found a forwarding address someplace out west but there's no phone hooked up yet.
What does Africa--what does the West stand for?
It was midafternoon before we got Howie on the road, first to Boston and then a flight west.
She would drop by shortly to pick up her boarding pass for her flight to the golden west.
We can maintain the systems from here, but almost everyone has fled west.
The West won't lose this war a second time.
In the past forty-eight hours, there had been fifty perimeter breaches, all from the west wall.
He thought about what Elise said, that she'd been trying to take something west.
This is what you're taking west.
I have reason to believe that's about the only place that hasn't been infiltrated by those professing allegiance to East or West.
And maybe she'll tell you what she won't tell me about what she's carrying west.
Greene was in contact with different people in the West Coast Center.
I heard everything is fine out west, though.
We know she was headed west, towards Colorado.
Everything west of the river was blank.
She checked her micro and did as the PMF soldier said, heading due west.
The helo flew west, towards the border with Idaho.
He knew his days were numbered and gave his notice—said he had a job out west.
The late spring sun had finally fought its way out of the white haze and was slipping down in the west, painting the countryside in yellow brush strokes.
Hays is the only place in Kansas west of Rollins worth a snot.
Dean wondered if Jeff was not the saint she thought, not deceased, instead bopping along somewhere west of Kansas, with several million bucks in his pocket.
In spite of the cloudy weather and the threat of rain, Dean ended the daylight hours listening to the hum of his bike tires on the country roads west of Parkside.
Instead, the trail was an illogical hodgepodge of unrelated sequences that had skipped forward until evaporating someplace west of Hays, Kansas.
On June 10, plans for his trip west began to come together, but not in the way Dean expected.
But there was a plus to Dean's first day in the west.
Except for his army hitch and a few late night military flights, Dean had never been west of the Mississippi and he'd never seen scenery as spectacular as Colorado in late spring.
The tour seemed to have attracted most of its riders from Colorado, California, Texas or some part of the west.
Durango, Colorado, once one of the wildest cities in the old west, was now the home of 12,000 citizens and one of the country's last narrow-gage railroads.