Rich; affluent; prosperous
Well-heeled buyers will pay the earth to approach their homes along a driveway flanked by manicured greens.
Entry-level recreational fun from Volkswagen starts from £ 34,000, so only well-heeled former hippies need apply.
A confident storyteller, he interweaves stories to show the chaos of a well-heeled society that reflects the insanity of the asylum.
In its heyday, the bonde took the well-heeled residents from their fine Portuguese colonial-style mansions to work in the Centro district below.
But efforts to bring back the more well-heeled customer have been mixed.
There have been several well-heeled women with flats to rent on its books.
Being from a well-heeled family, Orson went to the Todd Seminary for Boys, which had a fully equipped theater.
In the West, the country is known mostly for its desert island beauty that attracts more than 300,000 well-heeled tourists a year.