A rich person.
(with "the") Rich people.
Possessing financial wealth; rich.
Abundant in quality or quantity; profuse.
I think he's wealthy... his house is beautiful.
Is he as wealthy as you?
They invited the whole town, and the wealthy were asked to dig deep for charity.
Rhyn took in the small marble statues and portraits of wealthy Venetians on the walls.
My mother was the daughter of a wealthy merchant.
Lots of people, wealthy or not, would take advantage of a situation like that.
He had come to Egypt as a boy after his father's death, and was brought up by his wealthy maternal uncle Mordecai Francis.
Some become so wealthy, in fact, they can live off the interest (the productivity) of their assets, not just their own labor.
But instead of all that--here he was, the wealthy husband of an unfaithful wife, a retired gentleman-in-waiting, fond of eating and drinking and, as he unbuttoned his waistcoat, of abusing the government a bit, a member of the Moscow English Club, and a universal favorite in Moscow society.
Alex was a wealthy man - rich by her standards.
There were bazaars, shops, warehouses, market stalls, granaries--for the most part still stocked with goods-- and there were factories and workshops, palaces and wealthy houses filled with luxuries, hospitals, prisons, government offices, churches, and cathedrals.
Wealthy people could afford to choose scarce antiques.
She wouldn't be buried in the ethereal silks of the wealthy or have her hair inlaid with flowers and perfumes.
Yet this eminent, this superior personage was an habitual drunkard, an uncouth savage who intruded upon the hospitality of wealthy foreigners, and was not ashamed to seize upon any dish he took a fancy to, and send it home to his wife.
It was one of the oldest cities of Etruria, but does not appear in history till the Roman colonization of 247 B.C., and was never of great importance, except as a resort of wealthy Romans, many of whom (Pompey, the Antonine emperors) had villas there.
To a Medena heir who is wealthy in his own right.
He led her down into the basement of the gated apartment building, where the wealthy residents of the apartment kept their expensive cars.
His father, Arthur van Sittart (1691-1760), and his grandfather, Peter van Sittart (1651-1705), were both wealthy merchants and directors of the Russia company.
He knew Tim to be wealthy, but he could fit a good chunk of his militia in the house alone.
The earl was a great gambler, but he was wealthy enough also to spend money on improving his house at Althorp, which he beautified both within and without.
Her resolve lasted until her father left for dinner with their wealthy neighbors.
There were wide eighteenth- century ball gowns, women in little black dresses, one in a fifties poodle skirt, and several in dark dresses with ornate brocade on the bodice, like that of wealthy Middle Age royalty.
Oh Carmen, just because he's wealthy doesn't mean he's a preppie.
As soon as the men of the various regiments began to disperse among the wealthy and deserted houses, the army was lost forever and there came into being something nondescript, neither citizens nor soldiers but what are known as marauders.
They'd pulled similar scams on other wealthy men, mostly in the mortal world, outside the view of immortals who might see them.
How did Rob know Felipa had a wealthy father?
It may be assumed that the social corruption in Jerusalem was such as is usually found in wealthy communities, made bolder in this case, perhaps, by the political unrest and the weakness of the royal government under Zedekiah.
The Roman army (20,000 men) was commanded by General Rosselli, and included, besides Garibaldis red-shirted legionaries, volunteers from all parts of Italy, mostly very young men, many of them wealthy and of noble family.
He may already have found a suitable and wealthy match, and now he's half crazy.
The armory was not the collection of a wealthy connoisseur; this was the personal armory of a man accustomed to killing often.
Born to a wealthy merchant family, she'd been disowned when it became known what kind of deformed child she bore.
It is now a centre of the trade in Malwa opium, with a wealthy colony of Bohra merchants.
Plebeian handicrafts assert their right to be represented on an equality with learned professions and wealthy corporations.
The celebrated Gascoigne's powder, which was sold as late as the middle of the 19th century in the form of balls like sal prunella, consisted of equal parts of crabs' eyes," the black tips of crabs' claws, Oriental pearls, Oriental bezoar and white coral, and was administered in jelly made of hart's horn, but was prescribed by physicians chiefly for wealthy people, as it cost about forty shillings per ounce.
The rising prosperity of wealthy nations and the emergence of more wealthy nations.
Boris had not succeeded in making a wealthy match in Petersburg, so with the same object in view he came to Moscow.
And as soon as the enemy drew near the wealthy classes went away abandoning their property, while the poorer remained and burned and destroyed what was left.
But despite all these measures the men, who had till then constituted an army, flowed all over the wealthy, deserted city with its comforts and plentiful supplies.
They wore tuxedos and ball gowns like wealthy celebrities attending an exclusive Hollywood party.
While Fred was outside picking a boutonniere for the occasion, his now marginally wealthy flame of fame—locally at least— called a second time.
He's a good looking guy, wealthy, by the sound of it, and frankly, Edith isn't the catch of the day.
Frozen water pipes and unheated bedrooms had to be something new for a wealthy socialite.
Surely it wasn't enough to make a difference for the daughter of such a wealthy man.
The costume of the Tosks differs from that of the Ghegs; its distinctive feature is the white plaited linen fustanella or petticoat, which has been adopted by the Greeks; the Ghegs wear trews of white or crimson native cloth adorned with black braid, and a short, close-fitting jacket, which in the case of wealthy persons is embellished with gold lace.
Interest was rarely charged on advances by the temple or wealthy landowners for pressing needs, but this may have been part of the metayer system.
But the laws have not been rigorously enforced of late years; and the ecclesiastical possessions seized by the state were thrown on the market simultaneously, and so realized very low prices, being often bought up by wealthy religious institutions.
It was liberally endowed with land by the princes of the Carolingian house and others, and soon became one of the most famous and wealthy establishments of its kind.
It is contagious and would be even in a uniformly wealthy world.
Who would not be early to rise, and rise earlier and earlier every successive day of his life, till he became unspeakably healthy, wealthy, and wise?
As a hungry herd of cattle keeps well together when crossing a barren field, but gets out of hand and at once disperses uncontrollably as soon as it reaches rich pastures, so did the army disperse all over the wealthy city.