Resembling wax in texture or appearance.
They have fleshy, waxy leaves with a high capacity for water storage.
Grown as a shrub or against a sunny wall it produces extraordinarily delicate, yellow, waxy flowers with the exotic aroma of allspice!
The waxy white blooms and spearheaded leaves of the calla lily stand for radiant beauty and sophistication.
The Leatherwood is notable for producing a waxy substance, which is one of the most powerful natural germicides known.
Finely peel the lemons, removing only the outer waxy layer, squeeze the juice.
To produce a lithograph the artist draws the work on a flat plate or surface with a greasy or waxy medium.
Exp Merigel 113 Instant starches Global Exp Merigel 113 is a highly crosslinked and stabilized pregelatinised waxy maize starch.
Merigel 310 Instant starches Global Merigel 310 is a highly crosslinked pregelatinised waxy maize starch.
They don't have a thick, waxy cuticle that prevents transpiration.
The matte High Solid Gel creates a very waxy look.
Silk fibre (see Fibres) consists essentially of a centre or core of fibroin, with a covering of sericin or silk albumen, and a little waxy and colouring matter.
Chalcedony is a translucent substance of rather waxy lustre, presenting great variety of colours, though usually white, grey, yellow or brown.
The changes produced at a distance by distribution of toxins may be very manifold - cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration, serous effusions, capillary haemorrhages, various degenerations of muscle, hyaline degeneration of small blood-vessels, and, in certain chronic diseases, waxy degeneration, all of which may be widespread, are examples of the effects of toxins, rapid or slow in action.
Waxy snow-white intensely fragrant flowers which fade to pale pink as they age.
Waxy oil derived from the sperm whale 's head or from dolphins.
Exp Merigel 113 Instant Starches Global Exp Merigel 113 is a highly crosslinked and stabilized pregelatinised waxy maize starch.
Merigel 310 Instant Starches Global Merigel 310 is a highly crosslinked pregelatinised waxy maize starch.
Will it be a high sulfur or waxy crude?
They do n't have a thick, waxy cuticle that prevents transpiration.
They look like small tufts of cotton wool leave a waxy mark on the leaf.
The design outlines were printed on the paper with a waxy ink which was usually dark blue, royal blue or turquoise in color.
In fact, the stems are green, but carry a waxy, white bloom that gives them their frosted appearance.
Both species have a waxy coating on the leaves which enables them to retain water.
Waxy corn is used for the production of starch similar to tapioca.
Peel or scrub a number (say 6) of waxy potatoes & slice them very thinly into rounds.
Cradle cap is represented by a waxy yellowish build-up on your infant's scalp.
In this event, the sebaceous glands excrete an excess of sebum to the point that it builds up into a waxy plaque on the scalp and sometimes the face.
Tree forms of holly stay small and provide a great winter show of waxy green leaves and red berries.
They work because you can blend them together to get a good match color wise, and the waxy part fills in the scratch.
Products with food or oil stains, waxy coatings, stickers, foil accents, or lamination are generally unable to be recycled.
Although lip gloss can often feel sticky and waxy, there are many brands on the cosmetic market that add shine without weighing down the consistency of lipstick.
Chefs feel that the best potatoes for chunky soups are waxy varieties such as Superior or Red Bliss.
Instead, shortening will stay solid at mouth temperature and results in a waxy residue in the mouth.
They all have climbing or twining stems, and bear waxy white flowers.
Cape Hyacinth (Galtonia) - A noble bulb from the Cape, G. candicans having spires of waxy, white, bell-like blossoms, 1 1/2 inches long, on stems 4 to 6 feet high, in late summer and autumn.
Cilian Beet (Beta) - B. cicla variegata is a variety of common Beet, the leaves being more than 3 feet long, vivid in color, their midribs varying from dark waxy orange to vivid crimson.
The kinds in cultivation are natives of New Zealand; the best known, M. complexa, is a very rapid grower, with long wiry and entangled branches, small leaves, and rather inconspicuous white waxy flowers.
The leaf color is a dark green on top with a waxy grey underneath.
Amyloid-A waxy, translucent, starch-like protein that is deposited in tissues during the course of certain chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.
Glands within the skin of the canal produce a waxy substance called cerumen (popularly called earwax).
At birth, you may notice some of this waxy white substance.
It will also leave some waxy deposits in your molds, so make sure you clean them up after doing this, whether accidentally or on purpose.
Not only is it out-fitted in a waxy brown leather fabric, but it has an embossed quilt-style pattern and a logo plaque on the front of the bag.
Carnauba comes from the palm tree, which produces a waxy buildup on its leaves to help protect itself from the sweltering sun of the tropics.
Floors that are especially waxy in appearance may benefit from this annual method of floor cleaning.
The coconut-based surfactant is a sudsing agent that helps remove the waxy layer.
When you remove the waxy layer, dirt, bugs and bacteria, you inhibit food browning and increasing shelf life.
A symptom you may notice if you have contracted basal cell carcinoma is a bump on your face or neck that feels waxy or has a pearl quality to it.
The symptoms of basal cell carcinoma will either be small, pearly nodules or what appear to be flat, waxy scars.
The cetyl alcohol provides a waxy consistency, which helps the Block stay put on the skin and prevents the oil from wiping off.