Warrant; attestation.
To take responsibility for; to express confidence in; to witness; to obtest.
To warrant; to maintain by affirmations
I can vouch that the match took place.
To back; to support; to confirm.
To call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title.
To call; to summon.
To bear witness; to give testimony or full attestation.
To call as a witness.
To assert; to aver; to declare.
I can vouch for this young lady.
No, I can vouch for the fact that it is Indian blood.
I can vouch for myself but going out on the limb for someone else is a whole different ball game.
Let's say I'm passing on information but I'm close enough to vouch for its accuracy.
My heart, I can't vouch for.
Certificates are signed by a number of organizations that will vouch for the authenticity of the website you visit.
Consequently I cannot vouch for the quality of the ale, food or service.
I checked with X, who said, no, he could n't vouch for the person.
Not only can they give information and support, but they can also vouch for the adoptive agency's reputation.
Formely owned by someone else in the club who 'd vouch for the fact that the engine is amazing !
This person can vouch for your character.
Of course I do not vouch for the truth of such reports.
Rather, a third party, someone who is able to vouch for the person's true character, writes it.
Each family will be asked to provide an au pair with two referees who can vouch for their integrity.
I can also vouch for the skill of the Flight's pilots, who display the aircraft with seemingly effortless precision.
I can personally vouch for the quality of the Lady Captain's bacon and egg flan.
Caroline Morrissey PS My husband is right handed so I canât vouch for this!
I can certainly vouch for ZT version 7 upwards working on a network.
There's also a very good vehicle show in a nearby village which I'm sure Tel can also vouch for.
Never having indulged in that particular delicacy, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the description.
I cant vouch for the truth of it, but it seems no strange thing, notwithstanding S r.
We ca n't vouch for them; we 're just giving you options.
There 's also a very good vehicle show in a nearby village which I 'm sure Tel can also vouch for.
Devon County Council is not able to vouch for the accuracy of any external website.
Show how you live this each day, and provide a list of people who can vouch for this.
Persius, Juvenal and Quintilian vouch for the admiration with which he was regarded in the first century of the empire.
I can vouch for the fact that her stomach is empty.
Players personally acquainted with monsters who wish to vouch for their ability to cast spells are requested to keep quiet.
Having had an aftermarket electric boot release in my car for a couple of years now I can vouch for the benefits.
We ca n't vouch for them; we're just giving you options.
Allan Turner do es not vouch for the quality of these courses.
I cannot vouch for the quality of any of the programs listed, nor am I responsible for the contents of the websites.
Caroline Morrissey PS My husband is right handed so I canât vouch for this !
I would vouch to say that God has never forgiven a sin that has not been confessed.
Actually, thong panties are more comfortable than they appear, and there are many thong converts who can vouch for their comfort.