A musical instrument in the harpsichord family.
Being or resembling a virgin.
Uncontaminated or pure.
The birth of Isaac, although not virginal, provides some clue to the unique supernatural character of Jesus ' birth.
The land in this vast area varies in virginal fertility, but the best soils are very rich in the constituents of plant food.
But that is quite unlike the accounts of the virginal conception in the Gospels.
The blond haired actress represents the woman of Harry 's dreams, beautiful, young, ageless and dressed in virginal white.
Trinity Bards and Oxford Reviewers by Richard Schulze; A lament for the lack of virginal purity among Byron Society lags.
Neither of these virginal women feature directly in this story, yet their shadow is strongly felt in it.
Breaking the bread was seen as the breaking of the bride 's virginal state and to assert his dominance over her.
The natural next step in her career was acting, and she took to the big screen with a flourish.Day became a Hollywood sweetheart, and gained an innocent, virginal image by playing coy, sweet leading ladies.
Her character, a virginal child bride brimming with sexuality, had a disturbing, enticing appeal.
Certain ancient stringed instruments were played with a plectrum or plucker made of the quill of a bird's feather, and the word has thus been used of a plectrum made of other material and differing in shape, and also of an analogous object for striking the strings in the harpsichord, spinet or virginal.
First, we are of course speak ing of the virginal conception of Jesus, not, strictly, of the virgin birth.
Kyrgyzstan, the size of Nebraska and with only five million people, is a "heaven for organics" as its nature is untouched and virginal.
Many people hear the words nighties and night gowns and automatically picture some virginal cotton get up that reaches from neck to ankles.
The plot features a young virginal woman newly arrived in an isolated location - usually a governess - who is menaced by unseen dangers.