The puncture of a vein, usually to draw a blood sample, collect a blood donation, or insert an intravenous line.
To puncture a vein in order to collect blood
Most often, the blood sample is collected by venipuncture (using a needle to collect blood from a vein in the arm ).
Most often, the blood sample is collected by venipuncture (using a needle to collect blood from a vein in the arm).
If a blood sample has been drawn for RAST testing, a bandage may be applied to the venipuncture site to help keep it clean and to stop slight bleeding that may occur.
These hormone levels are measured in blood serum samples obtained by venipuncture.
A bandage may be applied to keep the site of venipuncture or intravenous administration of medications clean and to stop any bleeding that may occur.
Parents may be concerned about the child's response to venipuncture or reaction to intravenous administration of medications prior to testing.
The site of heel stick, finger stick, or venipuncture must be kept clean and dry and observed for any undue bleeding or bruising.
Fainting, nausea, or feeling lightheaded after venipuncture may occur in some children.