The practice of following a vegetarian diet.
He tried vegetarianism for a while, but gave it up when he found that it did him no particular good.
For the religious aspect of vegetarianism in these and other circles, see von Dobschiitz's Christian Life in the Primitive Church (1904), pp. 125 f., 396 f.
Franklin's advocacy of vegetarianism, of sparing and simple diet, and of temperance in the use of liquors, and of proper ventilation has already been referred to.
But there is no doubt that, whatever may be the view taken as to the extreme theory of vegetarianism, it has had considerable effect in modifying the excessive meat-consuming regime of previous days, and in introducing new varieties of vegetable cooking into the service of the table.
The same fear of imbibing the irrational soul of animals, and thereby reinforcing the lower appetites and instincts of the human being, inspired the vegetarianism of Apollonius of Tyana and of the Jewish Therapeutae, who in their sacred meals were careful to have a table free from blood-containing meats; and the fear of absorbing the animal's psychic qualities equally motived the Jewish and early Christian rule against eating things strangled.
Do the big organizations actively promote vegetarianism, which would help the dolphins?
Whether strict vegetarianism is right for you or not, it is clear it has much to offer a healthier lifestyle.
After vegetarianism became mainstream, the vegan movement became more popular; as a result, there are now hundreds of people around the world who follow a fat-free vegan diet.
A lot of parents made a big fuss about this as vegetarianism was still thought of as rather cranky and inadequate.
Vegetarianism and Zen macrobiotics are presented as ' common food fads which may lead to serious problems ' .
These include pacifism, vegetarianism, charity work, recycling, the Green movement, and the caring professions.
Yet, instead of advocating vegetarianism, some scientists are trying to create animals that produce double the normal meat yield.
I would not recommend vegetarianism to anyone who would go short of food or suffer ill health.
Now if you stop thinking right there then vegetarianism looks like a kinder option.
It would be great to say that vegetarianism was responsible for all his successes but it wouldn't be true.
The Individual Task is of the pupils ' own choice from an area of interest within the syllabus e.g. vegetarianism.
Hinduism and Jainism advocate vegetarianism out of respect for all life.
But those who do not practice vegetarianism are prohibited from eating Halal meat and beef.
It would be great to say that vegetarianism was responsible for all his successes but it would n't be true.
The miracles involving fish are the most frequent and obvious source of objection to vegetarianism on Christian grounds.
There are a number of reasons for vegetarianism, ranging from personal health to the health of the planet.
If you're concerned about weight, this is another important reason for vegetarianism.
For those who have tried everything else to lose weight and keep it off, vegetarianism is an excellent option.
Increasingly, environmentalism is one of the strong reasons for vegetarianism.
Like any other lifestyle choice, vegetarianism comes with some drawbacks.
One of the perceived disadvantages of vegetarianism is it can be harder to get certain nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and protein.
The myriad health benefits of vegetarianism have been known for centuries.
Some say more research needs to be done, but others say the evidence is already clear - vegetarianism is the healthy way to go.
One of the most obvious benefits of vegetarianism is that, unless you rely exclusively on cheese for your protein needs, you will keep your body mass index down.
An important benefit of vegetarianism is the certainty that you are getting enough fiber and thus keeping your entire system on track.
Adequate protein, as well as iron, are some common concerns regarding vegetarianism, particularly for children.
If you're just starting your journey towards vegetarianism or becoming vegan, it's best to try the flavored varieties of milk alternatives first.
LoveToKnow Vegetarian has all of the information you want to know about vegetarianism, vegan nutrition, why people choose a vegetarian lifestyle and the benefits it offers.
We provide resources to help you learn about vegetarian options available to creatively customize your menu eating plan as well as information that deals with issues relating to the various kinds of vegetarianism.
Anyone with an interest in vegetarianism or vegan living can comment at LoveToKnow Vegetarian.
We discuss the different types of vegetarianism along with the benefits and disadvantages associated with the vegetarian lifetsyle.
Learn about the many health benefits of vegetarianism that some cultures have enjoyed for centuries.
While the popularity of vegetarianism and veganism may be relatively new to some, many ancient cultures and civilizations have a long heritage of vegetarian and vegan foods.
People who are new to vegetarianism may seek ideas of what to eat on a lacto ovo diet.
Both current American vegetarians as well as those considering changing their diet will want information about vegetarianism.
The study concluded that rather than viewing adolescent vegetarianism as a phase or fad, the diet could be viewed as a healthy alternative to the traditional American meat-based diet.
Vegetarianism is the voluntary abstinence from eating meat.
Vegetarianism has been steadily gaining acceptance as an alternative to the meat-and-potatoes bias of the traditional American diet.
Several factors contribute to the interest in vegetarianism in the United States.
But the growing health consciousness of Americans is probably the major reason for the surge in interest in vegetarianism.
Vegetarianism, a diet that fulfills all these criteria, has become part of many healthy lifestyles.
Individuals should be willing to experiment with transition diets and should have patience when learning how combine vegetarianism with social activities such as dining out.
The transition to vegetarianism can be smoother for adolescents who make informed choices with dietary practices.
Thanks to the growing interest in vegetarianism, many meat substitutes are now readily available.
The survey concluded that rather than viewing adolescent vegetarianism as a phase or fad, the diet could be viewed as a healthy alternative to the traditional American meat-based diet.