Active on vessel walls, that is, causing either constriction or dilation of a blood vessel, thus affecting hemodynamics (blood flow). Vasoactive substances may be endogenous (for example, endogenous angiotensin, vasopressin, or epinephrine) or exogenous (for example, pharmaceutical vasopressin or epinephrine).
Animal models have shown intermittent hypoxaemia raises blood pressure and alters levels of circulating vasoactive peptides.
A clinical trial of intracavernous vasoactive intestinal peptide to induce penile erection.
It has been suggested that vascular ectasia could be related to increased vasoactive substances such as glucagons and nitric oxide in cirrhosis.
The balance of benefit and risk from the routine use of vasoactive drugs in acute stroke is unclear i.
Q4 Give examples of the chemotactic and vasoactive mediators that are released?
The effect that vasoactive agents have on blood vessels in different tumors is being determined in ' window chamber ' experiments.