To defeat, to overcome.
Vanquishing world child hunger and starvation might only be a chimera.
He found fame leading the EEF in a brilliant open campaign, finally vanquishing the Turks in Palestine in 1918.
Well, after Christmas there suddenly was a surplus of these toys, bringing prices back down to a reasonable amount and vanquishing the enigma that the toys seem to harbor when they weren't in your child's closet.
Yes, the Rebellion had not succeeded in vanquishing the evil Emperor, but they had scored a signal victory, destroying the planet-killing Death Star battlestation and getting away with it.
In 851 the Dublin Vikings succeeded in vanquishing the Danes after a three days' battle at Snaim Aignech (Carlingford Lough), whereupon the defeated party under their leader Horm took service with Cerball, king of Ossory.