The comprehensive analysis of urine.
Liver and kidney function testing will also be performed as well as a urinalysis.
Baseline and periodic complete urinalysis and BUN determinations are recommended.
Urinalysis is done to evaluate kidney function.
Urinalysis, blood pressure and weight checks, fundal height measurement and fetal heart auscultation are performed routinely at each office visit.
Health checks for the older man Men in their 60s and 70s are advised to have an annual urinalysis.
Today, a routine urinalysis consists of the visual and the chemical examinations.
I would like to increase the number of patients with at least annual urinalysis from 62% to 95% .
I would like to increase the number of patients with at least annual urinalysis from 62% to 95 %.
Normal urinalysis results do not mean there is no illness.
He or she should conduct a thorough physical examination that includes blood work and urinalysis.
With a urinalysis, the test subject must provide a urine sample within a cup.
The doctor will usually order blood tests, an electrocardiogram, urinalysis, and bone densitometry (bone density test) in order to exclude other diseases and to assess the patient's nutritional status.
The diagnostic evaluation for headache may include blood tests and urinalysis to rule out other medical conditions that may be causing the headaches.
Lab tests for paresthesia may include blood tests and urinalysis to detect metabolic or nutritional abnormalities.
A complete blood count, various serum chemical and electrolyte tests, and a urinalysis may be helpful in discovering any underlying medical disorders.
Diagnostic testing will include a complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and other blood chemistries, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and urinalysis.
Many pediatricians order various tests during the first two years depending on the family's history and the child's symptoms, i.e., urinalysis, tuberculin test, and blood tests.