Pertaining to, contained in, or obtained from urine.
A continuation of their work on bitter almond oil by Liebig and Wohler, who remained firm friends for the rest of their lives, resulted in the elucidation of the mode of formation of that substance and in the discovery of the ferment emulsin as well as the recognition of the first glucoside, amygdalin, while another and not less important and far-reaching inquiry in 'which they collaborated was that on uric acid, published in 1837.
It is used in medicine on account of the high solubility of its salt with uric acid.
They also hinder the formation of uric acid calculi.
Papers published in 1776 were concerned with quartz, alum and clay and with the analysis of calculus vesicae from which for the first time he obtained uric acid.
Methyl and dimethylalloxans are also known, the former being obtained on oxidation of methyl uric acid, and the latter on oxidation of caffeine.
One of the earliest, if not the earliest, was the investigation, published in 1830, which proved the polymerism of cyanic and cyanuric acid, but the most famous were those on the oil of bitter almonds (benzaldehyde) and the radicle benzoyl (1832), and on uric acid (1837), which are of fundamental importance in the history of organic chemistry.
It is closely allied to theobromine, the alkaloid of cocoa, and also to uric acid.
Parabanic acid (oxalyl urea), C0[NH C0] 21 is formed by oxidizing uric acid; or by condensing oxalic acid and urea in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride.
The waters of Baden-Baden are specific in cases of chronic rheumatism and gout, paralysis, neuralgia, skin diseases and various internal complaints, such as stone and uric acid.
It was originally introduced into medicine as a solvent for uric acid.
Outside the body piperazin has a remarkable power of dissolving uric acid and producing a soluble urate, but in clinical experience it has not proved equally successful.
Acetoacetic ester is a most important synthetic reagent, having been used in the production of pyridines, quinolines, pyrazolones, furfurane, pyrrols, uric acid, and many complex acids and ketones.
In health most of the nitrogenous waste in the body is eliminated as urea, but in gout uric acid is either formed in too great quantity or too little is eliminated, so that it tends to be deposited as urate of soda in the joints and other tissues.
One is to put the patient on an almost complete vegetarian diet, so as to limit both the amount of uric acid introduced into the body as well as its formation in the body.
The uric acid excreted in the urine (mostly in the form of urates) is markedly diminished.
This product is largely derived from the nuclei of the leucocytes, which contain large quantities of the nucleo-proteids, of which uric acid is a decomposition product.
Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it.
It is slightly diuretic. Experimentally it has been shown to have a solvent action on uric acid, but its action in this direction in the body requires confirmation.
The formation of murexide is used as a test for the presence of uric acid, which on evaporation with dilute nitric acid gives alloxantin, and by the addition of ammonia to the residue the purple red colour of murexide becomes apparent.
These tubes are shown to excrete nitrogenous waste products similar to uric acid.
Man and other primates excrete uric acid as the final product of purine catabolism as the result of lacking uricase.
There is a suggestion that uric acid levels fell more, and that uric acid excretion was greater, with benzbromarone.
However, it was also noted that some people lack uric acid in nasal lavage.
The usual choice for reducing uric acid levels is allopurinol, because it inhibits xanthine oxidase and can depress new purine synthesis.
The symptoms result from an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, causing an intensely painful inflammatory reaction.
The DNA contains purines which are broken down to uric acid in the blood.
The disease is caused by the deposition of sodium urate (uric acid) crystals in the joints.
Also to help prevent uric acid stones, medicine may be prescribed to control the level of uric acid stones, medicine may be prescribed to control the level of uric acid in the urine.
In most cases, there is no known reason why you have too much uric acid.
Blood chemistry including electrolytes, liver function and renal function were normal except for high uric acid and metabolic acidosis.
But rather than being composed of uric acid, pseudogout crystals are made of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate.
Lead and uric acid Clinical bottom line Chronic low level lead exposure may inhibit urate excretion.
The chief cause is too high a level of uric acid in the blood.
It is caused by uric acid crystals being deposited in the joints.
Also to help prevent uric acid stones, medicine may be prescribed to control the level of uric acid in the urine.
Obesity can be linked to high uric acid levels in the blood.
Involved in iron metabolism and uric acid production (excreted in the urine).
It is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor and accordingly inhibits the biosynthesis of uric acid.
It is the uric acid that causes the smelly problem.
The uric acid is made up of crystals and salts causing many cat owners to become frustrated when their kitty urinates in an inappropriate place such as the couch, carpet or pile of laundry.
The problem arises because the crystals in the uric acid are insoluble and form a tight bond to any surface they contact.
Blood tests can also be used to detect hyperbilirubinemia and high levels of liver enzymes and uric acid in the blood.
Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the body and uric acid crystals in the joints.
Gout-A metabolic disorder characterized by sudden recurring attacks of arthritis caused by deposits of crystals that build up in the joints due to abnormally high uric acid blood levels.
In gout, uric acid may be overproduced, underexcreted, or both.
According to the Journal of Nutrition, your body responds to the acidifying effect of uric acid by releasing calcium ions from your skeleton to buffer your blood.
If you have some of the risk factors which cause high levels of uric acid in your body, you may need to follow a diet for gout patients for relief of your condition's symptoms.
The goal of your diet for gout patients is to counter the effects of high uric acid which are triggering your symptoms.
Your doctor can detect the presence of uric acid with a blood or urine test.
Your diet will strive to find ways to lower your body's uric acid.