Something that is not workable, or cannot be made to work.
Not workable or operable; not practical; unmanageable.
He proclaimed for the constitution drawn up by the Cortes in 1812, which was unworkable, and which the chiefs of the conspiracy did not propose to restore.
It was in the power of Austria to crush Prussia and to put an end to the dual influence in the Confederation which experience had proved to be unworkable; she preferred to re-establish a discredited system, and to leave to Prussia time and opportunity to gather strength for the inevitable conflict.
The new constitution, however, proved costly and unworkable, and failed to satisfy either section of the population.
Excellent political training such a government unquestionably offered; but it became unworkable as disparities of social condition increased, as the number of legal voters (above 7000 in 1822) became greater, and as the population ceased to be homogeneous in blood.
The first, on the 27th of June 1906, affirmed, with some significant but unworkable reservations, the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch; and the second (29th of May 1907) strenuously maintained the Apostolic Zebedean authorship of the fourth Gospel, and the strictly historical character of the events and speeches recorded therein.
Since the last election in the spring of 1908 the Bohemian Diet had been unworkable, eventually owing to obstruction on the part of the Germans, who saw themselves handed over hopelessly to the Czech majority, until a rearrangement of the voting groups (curiae) should afford them protection against Czech oppression.
This system led to disputes and neglect, and was so unworkable that we find in the texts of the Middle Kingdom the whole responsibility put upon one well-endowed "ko-servant," who passed on his office to a single heir.
Such a system would have been unworkable but for the fact that with the revival of the political principles of Oldenbarneveldt, there was found statesman of commanding ability to fill the office in which the famous advocate of Grand of Holland had for so many years been " minister of - all affairs " in the forming state.
It was soon, however, found that these separate systems were unworkable; on the 27th of May 1829 Prussia signed a commercia treaty with the southern union; the Handelsverein was broken up, and one by one the lesser states joined the Prussian CustomsUnion.
It also abolished the ecclesiastical court, which, in fact, had proved to be almost unworkable, for no priests would appeal to it.
It has been found unworkable, for instance, to classify the religions of really primitive peoples under a plurality of heads, as becomes necessary the moment that the presence of a distinctive basis of linked ideas testifies to the individuality of this or that type of higher creed.
It does not appear to have made any headway, however, and alpaca wool was condemned as an unworkable material.
Thus Christian ethics may be said to insist equally on duty to self and duty to others, while crudely egoistic systems become unworkable if a man renders himself obnoxious to his fellows.
The maintaining of this ideal has proved unworkable in practice.
It should be noted that the scene with Burke took place in the course of the debate on the Quebec Bill, in which Fox displayed real statesmanship by criticizing the division of Upper from Lower Canada, and other provisions of the bill, which in the end proved so injurious as to be unworkable.
He saw clearly the inherent defects of the existing federation, and he wished to remedy a system which was so complicated as to be at times almost unworkable.
The ultra-democratic single-chamber Spanish constitution of 1812 was introduced, but proved utterly unworkable.
It was small wonder that the constitution established by the Provisions of Oxford was found unworkable.
The last view must be put aside as unworkable.
Not only did the constitution, which was modelled on the impossible Spanish constitution of 1812, prove unworkable, but the powers of the Grand Alliance, whose main object was to keep the peace of Europe, felt themselves bound to interfere to prevent the evil precedent of a successful military revolution.
Normally any flaw will decrease the value of a gem, but because of pink diamonds' rarity, jewelers may manipulate the flaw to create a unique design - a starburst, for example - rather than discard the stone as unworkable.
Continue microwaving the chocolate chips ten seconds at a time until they are melted and creamy; do not overcook or the chocolate will become grainy and unworkable.
I won't go into it here - suffice it to say that Wells' concept is unworkable for a number of reasons.
Under it the cost of the necessary land was to be found as to one-third by the state and as to the residue locally, but this arrangement proved unworkable and was abandoned in 1845, when it was settled that the state should provide the land and construct the earthworks and stations, the various companies which obtained concessions being left to make the permanent way, provide rolling stock and work the lines for certain periods.
In metal mining, when the workable portions of the deposit are small and separated by unworkable areas, the levels serve also the purpose of exploration, and in such cases must not be so far apart as to risk missing valuable mineral.
The vast majority of mineral deposits are unworkable, and of those that are developed a large proportion prove unprofitable.
Modern machinery is little used and many mines are practically unworkable for want of pumps.
The constitution was unworkable and the governing authorities were mutually hostile.