To undo the process of thinking.
Without proper thought; thoughtless.
Showing no regard; careless or unconcerned.
They will still be unthinking machines, just like your brain hardware.
Racial minorities know only too well what it feels like to be on the receiving end of this unthinking prejudice.
Morality, considered as the unthinking acceptance of social values, is derived from the social conditioning of the child.
The work to be done at home should be worthwhile and should not be set in an unthinking way.
Indeed, is it possible that we ourselves may also be blind to the future implications of some of our own unthinking assumptions?
This one, for example, is guaranteed to maximize shallow laughter and to confirm unthinking stereotypes.
It was, however, Berkeley who first sought to utilize the conclusions that were implicit in Locke's starting-point to disprove " the systems of impious and profane persons which exclude all freeedom, intelligence, and design from the formation of things, and instead thereof make a selfexistent, stupid, unthinking substance the root and origin of all beings."
From the hands of his unthinking pupil Fleury eventually received the supreme direction of affairs, which he retained for seventeen years.
What it is is an accurate representation of an already-existing slightly boorish, unthinking stereotype of Jesus.
The options... nto this man 's eyes with the unthinking, unbelieving tranquility born of the most harmless skepticism in the world.
Common sense and flexibility, not unthinking adherence to a methodology.