Not surprisingly, as could be expected.
The summing up begins with an unsurprisingly harsh summary from the prosecution barrister.
Unsurprisingly, there was disquiet in the ranks of the ILP at such goings-on.
Unsurprisingly, this caused a kerfuffle in the church!
Thus, stations along the cut-off line were, unsurprisingly, built to a standardized conservative design, utilizing clapboard throughout.
And unsurprisingly the climax is an inconclusive, haunting coda, with little explained or resolved.
Unsurprisingly given their proximity to livestock, cheese proved a mainstay in securing the girls's romantic futures.
Unsurprisingly she threatened him with severe reprisals should he actually carry out his plans.
Unsurprisingly then, the Inside Man script - a fresh, funny, articulate work by first-time screenwriter Russell Gewirtz - is key.
Unsurprisingly, protectionist sentiment is on the increase in the North.
John Gregory ' s job security looks a bit shaky - unsurprisingly.
Flocks of macaws chattered busily among themselves and, unsurprisingly, the rare jabiru stork was nowhere to be seen.
Witnesses to convict them were, unsurprisingly, hard to find - and when one murder trial fell through, the twins felt untouchable.
Unsurprisingly, there's a sense of unease, bordering on disgust when she pipes up with a few ill-judged, uninvited witticisms.
Unsurprisingly, given sedulous clerical attention over a period of weeks, many prisoners proved responsive to the call for repentance.
Unsurprisingly, the track proprietors kept tight-lipped about the incident, but now the news has leaked out.
Unsurprisingly it transpires that fridges / freezers also use a huge amount of energy.
Well, perhaps unsurprisingly the issues of militant Islamists and free speech have vexed many people.
Unsurprisingly, this is an assumption which the many able, well-behaved pupils deeply resent.
Unsurprisingly, there 's a sense of unease, bordering on disgust when she pipes up with a few ill-judged, uninvited witticisms.
Mr Blast gives us a tough, tough tune, unsurprisingly written by Sam Dees, that he wrings every ounce of emotion from.
Another green hue popular in Tuscan design is unsurprisingly a darker green, known as an olive green.
Unsurprisingly, he'd lost his job earlier in the year for failing to show up for work.
It has unsurprisingly taken a dim view toward the creations of video gaming's randier developers.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a 2006 study found that the amount of sexual activity that teens see in the media correlates with their frequency of sexual encounters.
Unsurprisingly, some of the best storylines on Passions occurred during the summer months when the show's audience was on summer vacation.
Erica (AMC) - Unsurprisingly, Erica Kane leads the list for girl names.
Unsurprisingly, his early experience of police racism made him very anti white.
They are a melodic guitar band with catchy tunes and infectious sing-a-long choruses, and somewhat unsurprisingly, they're creating a storm.
Unsurprisingly, the all-white jury convicted Satpal of murder within about half an hour.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Old Navy is also a very popular brand of baby clothing.