Not sanitary; unhealthy; dirty.
Due to the general unsanitary conditions, the disease was difficult to contain.
There is a high rate of mortality among the natives, due to unsanitary habits and diet, and not to the climate.
The climate is healthy and agreeable, though the death-rate among the common people is abnormally high on account of personal habits and unsanitary surroundings.
T. pallidum subspecies endemicum is passed on mostly among children living in poverty in unsanitary environments and with poor hygiene.
In general body lice infestations occur in crowded, unsanitary facilities, such as prisons and military or refugee camps.
When the AIDS epidemic broke in the 80's, tattoo parlors came under fire for suspected unsanitary conditions and unsafe practices, allegedly using the same tattoo needle on multiple customers.
An unsanitary batch of dye can cause a multitude of skin infections and may even result in death.
Neglect of their children, unsanitary habits and surroundings, tribal intermarriage and peonage are the principal causes of the decreasing Indian population.
To gamekeepers and those interested in the preservation of game, all animals such as the pole-cat, weasel, stoat, hawks, owls, &c., which destroy the eggs or young of preserved birds, are classed as "vermin," and the same term includes rats, mice, &c. It is also the collective name given to all those disgusting and objectionable insects that infest human beings, houses, &c., when allowed to be in a filthy and unsanitary condition, such as bugs, fleas, lice, &c.
The remaining native tribes under the supervision of the state have made little progress, and their number is said to be decreasing (notwithstanding the favourable climatic conditions under which most of them live) because of unsanitary and intemperate habits, and for other causes not well understood, one being the custom noticed by early travellers among some of the tribes of the La Plata region of avoiding the rearing of children.
Some of the cottages which we see in Breamore today replaced the former tiny and often unsanitary dwellings at this time.
The war has displaced an estimated 1.6 million people in northern Uganda, obliging them to seek refuge in 135 overcrowded and unsanitary camps.
Camps can be overcrowded; unsanitary places where food and clean water is short and there are many problems.
These water conserving fixtures have evolved from those early models, those that were once common to outhouses and campgrounds, with those unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions.
Much like visiting a regular tattoo parlor, the careless use of unsanitary needles can lead to an increased risk of hepatitis, or HIV.
In 2004, Abdul contracted a staph infection reportedly from an unsanitary manicure.
This does not include those canines found as strays or taken from owners who may have kept the animals in unsanitary or inhumane conditions.
Even if salmonella-containing foods such as chicken are thoroughly cooked, any food can become contaminated during preparation if conditions and equipment for food preparation are unsanitary.