Not protected; lacking defence or protection; exposed.
Explosive mixtures of marsh-gas and air may be fired by an unprotected light.
He sought in vain for an unprotected point.
The investor, as a result, is left totally unprotected.
This, in turn, led to a national study that secured the listing of dozens of previously unprotected entertainment buildings.
Whether walking or cycling, our children remain unprotected from the traffic that speeds through our streets.
We have fallen behind, and must not allow heritage matters of national importance to lie unprotected.
Whilst she is reinforcing the MMR scare, hundreds of children are going unprotected from the measles.
Resistance to Moisture The plaster will deteriorate if applied onto damp backgrounds or if used unprotected in damp environments.
By the time Frank reached the age of 18 he was no longer a Minor and became unprotected from the law applying to Adults.
The nature and attributes of God; His gracious purposes towards man; the relation of man to God, with the practical consequences that follow from it; the true nature of religious service; the call to repentance as the condition of God's favour; the ideal of character and action which each man should set before himself; human duty under its various aspects; the responsibilities of office and position; the claims of mercy and philanthropy, justice and integrity; indignation against the oppression of the weak and the unprotected; ideals of a blissful future, when the troubles of the present will be over, and men will bask in the enjoyment of righteousness and felicity, - these, and such as these, are the themes which are ever in the prophets' mouths, and on which they enlarge with unwearying eloquence and power.
Leaving the crop unprotected can lead to its complete loss.
No other remains have been found round them, though it seems improbable that they stood quite alone and unprotected.
Although left an orphan at nine, he was by no means lonely or unprotected.
It appears at one time to have been embedded in a brick niche, and about 1891 a shed was placed over it, but in 1907 it stood in the open entirely unprotected.
They shared a respect for the high-country conditions, prudent advice at any time, but even more appropriate on these winding roads, unprotected by guardrails, and bordered by sheer drop-offs that caused sweaty palms and racing heartbeats for many a first time driver.
Until the start of a community wildlife conservancy in 1988, Damaraland was unprotected and open to poachers.
We follow this energetic bunch through the perils of drunken nights out and unprotected one-nighters, finishing up cross-legged in the G.U.M clinic.
Most I regret parting with my family; many of them are unprotected and will be left fatherless.
And the turbulent man-child might easily have been sent packing for the stray boot which found an unprotected groin.
The harbour lies on the eastern side of this promontory, but it is an unsafe roadstead, being unprotected towards the north-east and having been much silted up, so that vessels cannot approach within a considerable distance of the shore.
Most people who have unprotected sex know what they are getting into.
In order to determine periodic unprotected tenancies and restricted contracts, notice to quit must first be served.
Great care is required to avoid contact with unprotected human skin or tissue, heavy protective gloves need to be worn at all times.
After a short period of unprotected exposure you should cover up or put on sunscreen to avoid sunburn.
Can be spread by email, or by finding unprotected PCs attached to a network, like the internet.
They 're big. they 're slow, and, as both crime syndicates and barefoot desperados have found out, they are virtually unprotected.
They are also almost entirely unprotected by labor laws.
These bulbs may be planted from October until December, and in mild localities will pass the winter in the open unprotected.
These, the dwarfer kinds, are, moreover, much the hardiest, and beds of them may be left unprotected during winter, so as to afford early flowers for cutting, for unless the weather is very severe, these beds never require any covering.
When just pushing the growth in spring, it is advisable to encircle the plants with a few dead branches, if unprotected by shrubs.
The DOE also reports that temperatures under a patio awning can often be up to 20 degrees cooler than the temperature on an unprotected patio.
Other less common signs or symptoms of unprotected exposure to UV rays may include chronic headaches and wrinkling of the skin around the eye caused by the constant reflex squinting to try to decrease the amount of UV rays entering the eye.
Pinguecula and pterygia can occur much earlier, even in individuals 18 and over, again depending on the degree and chronicity of unprotected exposure to UV rays.
Unpackaged, unprotected eyewear, or eyewear in plain plastic sleeves, is a dead giveaway.
When your eyes are unprotected, sun reflecting off of sand, water, or snow can cause an acute inflammation of the eye called keratoconjunctivitis.
The world can be a very dangerous place for unprotected eyes.
Additionally unprotected sexual intercourse and sharing used needles for IV drug injection are strongly correlated with infection.
Educational programs for illicit IV drug abusers and persons who engage in unprotected sexual intercourse may decrease the incidence of HIV infection.
The pills have high levels of regular birth control hormones and are effective in preventing pregnancies following unprotected sex 75 to 94 percent of the time.
They should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.
The group Advocates for Youth recommends young women always keep ECPs on hand (in advance) so they can be used as soon as possible following unprotected sex, such as when a condom breaks during sexual intercourse.
When this acid builds up on an unprotected tooth surface, it dissolves the minerals in the enamel, creating holes and weak spots (cavities).
Genital warts can be prevented by using condoms and avoiding unprotected sex.
However, parents should tell their children that genital warts can be prevented by using condoms and avoiding unprotected sex.
The delicate skin of the ear canal, unprotected by cerumen, retains moisture and becomes irritated.
The toxin associated with tetanus, for example, is attacked by IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies; reduced percentages of either immunoglobulin subclass on a child's cells will leave the child unprotected against that specific toxin.
Because no vaccine for HIV is available, the only way to prevent infection by the virus is to avoid behaviors that put a person at risk of infection, such as sharing needles and having unprotected sex.
For example, with just one unprotected sexual encounter with an infected partner, a woman is twice as likely as a man to acquire gonorrhea or chlamydia.
For example, with one exposure of unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman has a 1 percent chance of acquiring HIV, a 30 percent chance of acquiring herpes, and 50 percent chance of contracting gonorrhea if her partner is infected.
Those with the highest risk for infection are older adolescents and adults engaging in high-risk behaviors such as drug use and unprotected sex with multiple partners.