Never before seen, done, or experienced; without precedent.
The preparations were made on an unprecedented scale.
Under a government which allowed to the people an unprecedented liberty of speech.
During the year 1905-1906 the society's circulation reached the unprecedented total of 5,977,453 copies, including 968,683 Bibles and 1,326,475 Testaments.
His primacy was one of almost unprecedented activity.
After America's entrance into the war he was called upon to raise unprecedented sums of money.
It is unprecedented for so many nations to change their form of government so quickly and peacefully.
Bocskay survived this signal and unprecedented triumph only a few months.
This is unprecedented in the history of commerce and could not be done without the Internet. 9.
As regards matters of state the reign of Vladislav is marked by a decrease of the royal prerogative, while the power of the nobility attained an unprecedented height, at the expense, not only of the royal power, but also of the rights of the townsmen and peasants.
But in spite of this unprecedented blaze of dramatic genius the theatre fell into pecuniary difficulties, and had to be closed, Holberg composing for the last night's performance, in February 1727, a Funeral of Danish Comedy.
The success of the paper was unprecedented.
The intervening period had been one of very exceptional prosperity in the United States, foreign commerce having reached an unprecedented volume, and agriculture and manufactures having made greater advancement than in any previous period of the country's history.
The phenomenon, which depends upon the inequalities of the moon's limb, was so vividly described by him as to attract an unprecedented amount of attention to the totality of the 8th of July 1842, observed by Baily himself at Pavia.
The policy of fiscal transformation inaugurated by the Left increased revenue from indirect taxation from 17,000,000 in 1876 to more than 24,000,000 in 1887, by substituting heavy corn duties for the grist tax, and by raising the sugar and petroleum duties to unprecedented levels.
The success was instant, and, for a quarto, probably unprecedented.
These people came in condition to breed with unprecedented rapidity, under the stimulus of an abundance, 2According to Lavasseur and Bodio, 14.5% from 1860 to 1880;
At all events, the conferring of the title by a pope was entirely unprecedented; previously its validity had depended on the emperor solely.
Almost as subtle, and much more directly impressive, is the pathos of the death of Siegfried, which is heightened by an unprecedented appeal to a sense of musical form on the scale of the entire tetralogy.
But in November 1898, on the occasion of the renewal of the commercial convention with Austria, the attack on the ministry was renewed with unprecedented virulence, obstruction being systematically practised with the object of goading the government into committing illegalities, till Banffy, finding the situation impossible, resigned on the 17th of February 1899.
It would have been a bold, not to say a reckless, dreamer who dared predict that any future researches could restore to us the lost knowledge that had been forgotten for more than two millenniums. Yet the Victorian era was scarcely ushered in before the work of rehabilitation began, which was to lead to the most astounding discoveries and to an altogether unprecedented extension of historical knowledge.
In 101 Marius was elected consul a fifth time (previously in 107, 104, 103, 102), hailed as the "saviour of his country," and honoured with a triumph of unprecedented splendour.
To crown all, the feud between Church and Empire broke out again with unprecedented violence.
In the first war year (1914-5) exports fell to £182,000; they increased to £289,000 in 1916-7, fell to £144,000 the following year, but rose to the unprecedented figure of £51i,000 in 1918-9, a value due in part to inflated prices.
Its ultra-sharp color screen displays maps with unprecedented clarity.
In an unprecedented move, the UK government has now agreed to untie all its aid.
The SenderBase Network gives mail administrators unprecedented real-time visibility into security threats from around the world.
To pretend to know nothing was dangerous; it was impossible to reprove the king privately, while to do so openly was unprecedented.
Indeed, such a transformation is unprecedented in the annals of human history.
The telenovela seesaws from love and joy to despair and disaster with unprecedented vigor, and audiences can't get enough.
Situated in a picturesque Irish castle with unprecedented panoramic views, Brennan's Bar & Grill has catapulted itself to the forefront of elegant, sophisticated dining.
Where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortez, delicious seafood and Mexican cuisine is celebrated in a festive environment that inspires vibrant revelry amid an unprecedented menu and incomparable scenery.
Yet, Dr. Andrew Wakefield's 1998 MMR vaccine study provoked an unprecedented worldwide response.
General Motors and other American automakers have always used incentives like cash rebates to help attract buyers, but the economic situation has forced them to offer unprecedented deals on new vehicles.
However, they sometimes get blind sided by a series of unfortunate events, such as natural disasters, a mass casualty event, or an unprecedented number of people going on long term disability.
The unprecedented response gave rise to a need for a few more gigs, which were marked for June.
Such a release was unprecedented in the music industry, but the Clash always bucked the line.
Hosting a premiere party could be an unprecedented flop if you didn't have a copy of the movie on hand.
The tape, which leaked during the run up to the release of his fourth album, became something of a sensation and brought both Ray J and Kim an unprecedented level of success.
ExerciseTV provides viewers with unprecedented access to a team of fitness experts and personalities that will motivate, inspire and help anyone achieve the healthy lifestyle they've always wanted.
Perhaps equivalent to the Great Depression of World Wide Web history, the Dot Com industry suffered historical losses after three years of unprecedented financial gains on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
It seems you or your associates have a unique ability in these situations... more than unique; unprecedented.
The beginning of his ascendancy is marked by an unprecedented outward expansion of Athenian power.
Abundant evidence was forthcoming as to the extent to which agriculture had been injuriously affected " by an unprecedented succession of bad seasons."
These features established the work in a position which it will always maintain by its unprecedented dramatic qualities and by the glory reflected from Wagner's later achievements; but we shall not appreciate the marvel of its nobler features if we continue at this time of day to regard the bulk of the music as worthy of a great composer.
Marching with unprecedented rapidity, he entered Mengo on the r8th of December.
Their working is observed with lively interest, for they carry the principle of direct popular sovereignty to lengths unprecedented except in Switzerland.
The opposition to Johnson within the party greatly increased during his term, and the Democratic national convention of 1840 adopted the unprecedented course of refusing to nominate anyone for the vice-presidency.
Upon Lord Birkenhead fell the difficult task of organizing the department and establishing regulations to deal with conditions altogether unprecedented.
It is not to be expected that an art-revival following on, and in possession of, all the results of a period of unprecedented activity in scientific research should proceed with the same restraint as heretofore; but the unfettered activity, and the general encouragement to abandon the traditions of art, have no exact parallel in the past, and may yet prove a danger.
The disgrace was unprecedented.