To undo the process of listing; to remove something from a list.
Not included in a list.
My number is unlisted.
The company is an unlisted public limited company incorporated in 1938.
Please use this section for either submitting a previously unlisted ISP to our database or updating the details of an existing / listed service.
Twenty hitherto unlisted or inadequately listed collections have benefited from detailed cataloging by professional archivists.
Some collections have separate finding aids which may be consulted in the Department, others remain unlisted.
After an excellent performance last year our unlisted portfolio suffered from the sharp setback in technology markets and the value fell by 16.3 %.
The proposal in the FRED is that the position described above would continue to apply for unlisted entities.
We do n't sell unlisted buildings or anything outside the British Isles.
Our unlisted portfolio remained stable at 6.4% of stockholders ' funds.
It is often not possible to obtain an open market valuation on unlisted securities.
We'll show you how to get the unlisted phone number of anyone.
Check out their booties from designers such as Jones NY, Mud, Madden Girl, Skechers, Rocket Dog and Unlisted.