The property of being universal, common to all members of a class
Even so, however, it starts from a particular premise which only contains many instances, and leaves room to doubt the universality of its conclusions.
A revealed religion could never obtain universality, as it could never be intelligible and credible to all men.
From a theoretical point of view Hahnemann's is one of the abstract systems, pretending to universality, which modern medicine neither accepts nor finds it worth while to controvert.
A universal service remains the basis of our approach but ensuring universality requires an acknowledgment that every family is different.
All of history was the result of the universality of law.
In point of fact, Schiller's genius lacks that universality which characterizes Goethe's; as a dramatist, a philosopher, an historian, and a lyric poet, he was the exponent of ideas which belong rather to the Europe of the period before the French Revolution than to our time; we look to his high principles of moral conduct, his noble idealism and optimism, rather as the ideal of an age that has passed away than as the expression of the more material ambitions of the modern world.
It dominates the centres of intellectual life in the West because, despite its claim to finality in its principles or premises, and to universality for its method, it represents the only culture of a philosophic kind available to the adolescent peoples of the Western nations just becoming conscious of their ignorance.
The universality of experience reflected in Bach 's music far transcends his own profound religious faith.
The resolution draws on the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, welcoming the efforts undertaken to achieve the treaty 's universality.
In my view, the key concept in Laclau 's recent work is hegemonic universality.
More generally, there is the " universality class " assumption (Abbott, 1990) upon which neural net research is implicitly based.
As more benefits then become means tested and discretionary, the universality principle becomes eroded.
Children of this age may also begin to acknowledge the universality of death, that it happens to everyone.
What makes this kind of underwear so desirable is their universality --anywhere, anytime, any size, and any price range.
After Newton's time the first vigorous effort to restore the universality of the doctrine of energy was made by Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, and was published in the Phil.
The Synod of Dort (1618-1619) which affirmed the sublapsarian without excluding the supralapsarian form of Calvinism, condemned the views of Arminius and his followers, who were known as Remonstrants from the remonstrance "which in four articles repudiates supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism (which regarded the Fall as foreseen, but not decreed), and the doctrines of irresistibility of grace, and of the impossibility of the elect finally falling away from it, and boldly asserts the universality of grace."
And as they are not supposed to be mere generalizations from experience, no amount of individual instances of the application of any one of them by us would give it a true universality.
The claim to universality and the isolated abstract individual presupposed by such economics constitutes a denial of interdependence and impermanence.
The resolution draws on the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, welcoming the efforts undertaken to achieve the treaty's universality.
Any novel about children has the chance to achieve a universality that a novel about adults will struggle to attain.
The FCO has actively been promoting the universality of both the BWC and the CWC.
The claimed universality of the UN Declaration on Human Rights is then critically examined.
Thus, to show universality in Rule 54 would be construct a Turing machine with only four elements.
Music critics have declared him a world class guitar player and composer of a great human universality.
Several problems of intrinsic universality and uncomputability in billiard ball model cellular automata are tackled in the chapter as well.
This could be seen with the near universality of broadband yet people were not taking up the service.
The prosecution of such inquiries is beginning to make unnecessary much ingenious speculation of a kind that was prominent from r880 to 'goo; much futile effort has been wasted in the endeavour to find on Darwinian principles special " selection-values " for phenomena the universality of which places them outside the possibility of having relations with the particular conditions of particular organisms. On the other hand, many of those who have been specially successful in grouping diverse phenomena under empirical generalizations have erred logically in posing their generalizations against such a vera causa as the preservation of favoured individuals and races.
Buffier's aversion to scholastic refinements has given to his writings an appearance of shallowness and want of metaphysical insight, and unquestionably he failed entirely even to indicate the nature of that universality and necessity which he ascribed to his "eternal verities"; he was, however, one of the earliest to recognize the psychological as distinguished from the metaphysical side of Descartes's principle, and to use it, with no inconsiderable skill, as the basis of an analysis of the human mind, similar to that enjoined by Locke.
This universality of fame led to considerable practical discomfort; he was besieged by sightseers, and his nervous trepidation led him perhaps to exaggerate the intensity of the infliction.
In a yet broader sense it is used adjectivally of mere wideness or universality of view, as when we speak of a man as " of catholic sympathies " or " catholic in his tastes."
Like most innovators, Roscellinus stated his position in bold language, which emphasized his opposition to accepted doctrines; and his words, if not his intentions, involved the extreme Nominalism which, by making universality merely subjective, pulverizes existence into detached particulars.
Recognized as among the first mathematicians of his day, he was also widely known for the universality and depth of his philological and philosophical knowledge.
Again, an infinite world cannot be wholly engaged either in evolution or in dissolution, so that it is really unmeaning to discuss the universality of the cosmic process until it is settled that we have a universe at all, capable of being considered as a whole.
Within Calvinism itself Pelagianism was revived in Arminianism, which denied the irresistibility, and affirmed the universality of grace.
The necessity and universality of the judgments of causality and substantiality are taken for granted; and there is no investigation of the place held by these notions in the mental constitution.
Yet many psychologists accept the universality of this will to believe, and among them James, who says that " it is far too little recognized how entirely the intellect is built up of practical interests."
Though, for simplicity and universality of thought, even in science, we must use the abstraction of attributes, and, by the necessity and weakness of language, must signify what are not substances by nouns substantive, we must guard against the over-abstraction of believing that a thing exists as we abstract it.
He placed himself outside the theatre of French influence, and occupied himself solely with the task of giving to the papal monarchy that character of universality and political superiority which had made the greatness of an Alexander III.
The subjects to which he looked as the most essential of all - the universality of the divine love, the supreme importance of the moral and spiritual elements of religion, the supremacy of conscience, the sense of the central citadel of Christianity.
He was the last of those universal minds which have been able to compass all domains of human activity and knowledge; for he stood on the brink of an era of rapidly expanding knowledge which has made for ever impossible the universality of interest and sympathy which distinguished him.
A premise that has the utmost universality consistent with this view can clearly be of no service for the establishment of a proposition that has gone to the making of it.
They are a priori because no experience is sufficient to reveal or confirm them in unconditional universality; but they are a priori.
Inevitably the freedom, spirituality and universality of the prophetic teaching were obscured.
Thus his teaching contains the note of universality - not in terms and proclamations but as plain matter of fact.
The earlier group of disciples, it is true, did not appreciate the universality of the teaching of Jesus, and they continued zealous for the older forms, but St Paul through his prophetic consciousness grasped the fundamental fact and became Jesus' true interpreter.
These are the universality of the Gospel, the jealousy of national Judaism, and the Divine initiative manifest in the gradual stages by which men of Jewish birth were led to recognize the Divine will in the setting aside of national restrictions, alien to the universal destiny of the Church.
How then are we to account for memory and the principles of necessity, similarity, universality?
Zoroastrianism, in fact, is the first creed to work by missions or to lay claim to universality of acceptance.
An insect with wings thus hinged may, as far as steadiness of body is concerned, be not inaptly compared to a compass set upon gimbals, where the universality of motion in one direction ensures comparative fixedness in another."
The universality of the Ent, he conceived, necessarily carries with it certain characteristics.