Not inspiring.
But in spite of his uninspiring appearance, Edwin Mayer was fully in command.
While there is nothing wrong with the default layout, it is uninspiring.
By comparison, the few lines that you read over your morning coffee or on the way to work are dry and uninspiring.
The High Streets are swamped with rather predictable and uninspiring designs and there is a distinct lack of models that possess true individuality.
Once again, these programs are something the avid actor spotter need not get excited about, and the story line is equally uninspiring.
Provides information that is of use but it's wrapped up in an uninspiring package with poor typography and awkward navigation.
Provides information that is of use but it 's wrapped up in an uninspiring package with poor typography and awkward navigation.
The juicy white flesh breaks up during cooking and has an uninspiring flavor, so this variety is grown mainly for exhibition.
And yet by comparison our stuff seems so formulaic and uninspiring.
When it comes to interior design, few things are more uninspiring than blank white walls.
While the faults are few and far in between, the issue of uninspiring Multiplayer modes and frequent loading screens give enough cause for complaint and at least two Tylenol.
If your bedroom is uninspiring and lacking the feeling that you want, do not despair, these bedroom interior design ideas will help you create a bedroom you'll love waking up to.