In an unexpected manner.
In September 1665 the king unexpectedly paid him a visit at Wimborne.
He said he was just asking about Dean's return trip but he was fishing for details on why the FBI was so unexpectedly interested in Billie Wassermann.
Their only boy came along unexpectedly nine years later.
And having entered on the path of definition, of which he was fond, Napoleon suddenly and unexpectedly gave a new one.
He unexpectedly felt himself ridiculous, weak, and alone, with no ground to stand on.
A few months later Philip unexpectedly died at Burgos (September 25th).
But early one morning the fever left me as mysteriously and unexpectedly as it had come, and I fell into a quiet sleep.
This is your place and I came unexpectedly.
Seeing their enemy unexpectedly the French fell into confusion and stopped short from the sudden fright, but then they resumed their flight, abandoning their comrades who were farther behind.
The Guardians knew that betrayal would be confronted by Dusty, and even those loyal to Damian feared him appearing unexpectedly at their door.
Spanish rule, however, came unexpectedly to an end by the retrocession of Louisiana to France in 1800; and French dominion gave way in turn in 1803 - as the result of a chain of events even more unexpected, startling, and for the United States fortunate - to the rule of the last-named country.
When Carmen or Alex dropped by unexpectedly, she was happy – until she saw them.
The king in person undertook the siege of Ely, which proved unexpectedly difficult.
His election had been facilitated because he was thought to be on the edge of the grave; but he unexpectedly rallied.
On the 2nd of February 1831 he was, after sixty-four days' conclave, unexpectedly chosen to succeed Pius VIII.
Had the completion of unity depended wholly on internal causes, it certainly would not have lieen soon achieved; but other forces, not altogether unexpectedly, came to Bislnarcks aid.
By contrast, an unlikely spark can also cross the abyss unexpectedly.
The only area in which Rise & Fall actually succeeds in being truly awe inspiring is, unexpectedly, in the naval warfare.
We unexpectedly demonstrate that all these genes play key roles in regulating Pol II transcriptional elongation and termination [44, 45] .
Unexpectedly, Agra was to prove memorable beyond merely the Taj Mahal.
Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied.
It was just when the count's affairs had become so involved that it was impossible to say what would happen if he lived another year that he unexpectedly died.
In 1810 he was about to enter upon his new post of governor of Rome when he was, unexpectedly, elected successor to the Swedish throne, partly because a large part of the Swedish army, in view of future complications with Russia, were in favour of electing a soldier, and partly because Bernadotte was very popular in Sweden, owing to the kindness he had shown to the Swedish prisoners during the late war with Denmark.
In 1788 when the Danes unexpectedly invaded Sweden and threatened Gothenburg, it was Armfelt who under the king's directions organized the Dalecarlian levies and led them to victory.
Individuals reproduce unexpectedly the traits of earlier ancestors, and ethnologists and criminologists frequently explain by "atavism" the occurrence of degenerate species of man; but the whole subject is complicated by other possible explanations of such phenomena, included in the scientific study of normal "variation."
But the transport difficulties were very great; Germany could not spare troops or material to make an unlimited effort on the Italian front, and the unexpectedly weak resistance of the Italian II.
The attacking troops, both gunners and infantry, found their task unexpectedly lightened by the absence of a heavy return fire upon their batteries, trenches, and zones of concentration.
On the outbreak of the Civil War the Catholics naturally sided with the king, and a great many fell fighting for the royalist cause; towards the survivors Cromwell was unexpectedly merciful.
Towards the end of 1853, after having spent two years at University College, where his favourite subjects were chemistry and botany, he unexpectedly received the offer of the assayership to the new mint.
Under these circumstances Lysias unexpectedly guaranteed to the Jews their religious freedom (162).
In favour of the latest it is urged that, if Rabelais was born in 1483, he must have been forty-seven when he entered at Montpellier, and proportionately and unexpectedly old at other known periods of his life.
He occasionally contributed papers to the Albany Institute, in the years 1824 and 1825, on chemical and mechanical subjects; and in the latter year, having been unexpectedly appointed assistant engineer on the survey of a route for a state road from the Hudson river to Lake Erie, a distance somewhat over 300 m., he at once embarked with zeal and success in the new enterprise.
On the 26th of October Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Francis Tresham, who had formerly been closely connected with some of the other conspirators and had engaged in Romanist plots against the government, but who had given his support to the new king, unexpectedly ordered supper to be prepared at his house at Haxton, from which he had been absent for more than a year.
In due time she started with the intention of being confined at her parents' home, but the party halting on the way under the shade of some lofty satin-trees, in a pleasant garden called Lumbini on the river-side, her son, the future Buddha, was there unexpectedly born.
On the approach of a body of Illyrians, who, though summoned by Perdiccas, unexpectedly declared for Arrhabaeus, the Macedonians fled, and Brasidas's force was rescued from a critical position only by his coolness and ability.
A lesson in geometry, given by Ostilio Ricci to the pages of the grand-ducal court, chanced, tradition avers, to have Galileo for an unseen listener; his attention was riveted, his dormant genius was roused, and he threw all his energies into the new pursuit thus unexpectedly presented to him.
The terms were unexpectedly favorable, and so great was the joy excited in Madrid that popular acclamation greeted the bestowal upon Godoy of the title of Prince of the Peace.
In 1677, being now prolocutor of the Convocation, he was unexpectedly advanced to the archbishopric of Canterbury.
It was in vain that, on the death of Ladislaus, which took place unexpectedly (August 6, 1414), John was inspired with the idea of breaking his compact with Sigismund and returning to Rome, at the same time appealing to Louis of Anjou.
The Dulciana is unexpectedly lovely, a silvery, gentle diapason.
Unexpectedly, the radiation hardness has been found to be worse than silicon under charged hadron irradiation.
He died unexpectedly on August 9th of that year from liver cancer.
When the dreaded exit occurred, it happened so quickly and unexpectedly that there was no time for proper good-byes—if such biddings exist.
Together they had hurried to Janet O'Brien's trailer in hopes of catching Donnie before he wandered unexpectedly into the macabre turmoil his mother had caused in her violent exit from life.
When Carmen or Alex dropped by unexpectedly, she was happy – until she saw them.
We got caught in a downpour unexpectedly today and we all shivered while I wrapped our picnic blanket round the Mutsy!
These sections have yielded an unexpectedly diverse vertebrate fauna, in comparison with previous work, with over twenty individual taxa present.
He died unexpectedly on June 4, 1922 from a strangulated hernia, a twisted bowel.
Rather unexpectedly it was noted to have an effect in 30% of patients with advanced stage myeloma.
Sir Alex has been cursed by injuries to key players and the unexpectedly rapid decline of kingpins like Paul Scholes.