Not diminished.
His popularity continued undiminished for more than twenty years, until 1779.
His prodigious mental activity continued undiminished to the last.
At last, in his seventy-second year, he died at Ulm, on the 10th of December 1561, surrounded by attached friends and declaring undiminished faith in his views.
But nevertheless the kingdom of Jerusalem continued almost unmenaced, and practically undiminished, for the next sixteen years.
He was rebuffed once more, but continued his campaign with undiminished energy.
With undiminished hold on the imagination and devotion of his followers he was nominated for president in 1884.
The residue that remains in original purity with its tension yet undiminished is the ether in the highest sphere of the visible heavens, encircling the world of which it is lord and head.
The league embraced an indefinite number of city-states which maintained their internal independence practically undiminished, and through their several magistrates, assemblies and law-courts exercised all traditional powers of self-government.
It may be added here that the interest taken by him in Birmingham remained undiminished during his life, and he was largely instrumental in starting the Birmingham University (1900), of which he became chancellor.
The formation of the Pinacoteca Vannucci has impaired the interest of several churches but in others it remains undiminished.
Yet the Prussian king recovered his lost ground by gigantic efforts and eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished.
He refused to be detained before Rimini, being determined to meet the Gothic king as soon as possible with his army undiminished.
The Spanish invasion commanded by Godoy in person, met with no resistance, and th prince ventured to conclude a peace on his own authority by which Portugal promised to observe a strict neutrality on condition that its territories were left undiminished.
He was, however, not in supreme command, and therefore not responsible for the ill conduct of the war; he distinguished himself in various actions; and when, in October, he returned to Paris his popularity in the faubourg St Antoine was undiminished.
The most conspicuous example of these is the Trebinjcica, which disappears in two swallow-holes in Popovopolye, and after making its way by a subterranean passage through a range of mountains, wells up in the mighty source of Ombla near Ragusa, and hurries in undiminished volume to the Adriatic. The Narenta, or Neretva, is the one large river of Herzegovina which flows above ground throughout its length.
The makers of Buddhist images and of sword ornaments Thhd carried on their work with undiminished industry Pesiod.
He continued his scientific correspondence with unbroken interest and undiminished logical acumen; he thought out the application of the pendulum to the regulation of clockwork, which Huygens successfully realized fifteen years later; and he was engaged in dictating to his disciples, Viviani and Torricelli, his latest ideas on the theory of impact when he was seized with the slow fever which in two months brought him to the grave.
Modern sailing ships typically rely more on engine power, however, but the romance and allure of sailing ships is undiminished.
The principal wealth of the island is derived from its olive groves; notwithstanding the destruction of many thousands of trees during each successive insurrection, the production is apparently undiminished, and will probably increase very considerably owing to the planting of young trees and the improved methods of cultivation which the Government is endeavouring to promote.
The Anglo-German agreement of October 1900, to which Japan also became a party, and by which it was agreed to " maintain undiminished the territorial condition of the Chinese empire," was considered by Great Britain and Japan not to exclude Manchuria; but Germany, on the other hand, declared that Manchuria was of no interest to her.
For a few isolated purposes, however, it is desirable to use a glass which has not been touched upon either surface and thus preserves the lustre of its " fire polish " undiminished; this can be attained in crown-glass but not in sheet, since one side of the latter is always more or less marked by the rubber used in the process of flattening.
But hitherto the countries of strongest emigration (England, Germany, &c.) have shown practically undiminished birth and marriage-rates and a steady growth in population.
This had no effect, how ever, on public opinion, and Poincare's popularity was undiminished during the months immediately preceding the outbreak of the World War.
Both in the gum and in the boiled-off state silk has the peculiar property of imbibing certain metallic salts largely and combining very firmly with them, the fibre remaining to external appearance undiminished in strength and lustre, but much added to in size and weight.
Jefferson, however, far from America in these years and unexposed to reactionary influences, came back with undiminished fervour of democracy, and the talk he heard of praise for England, and fearful recoil before even the beginning of the revolution in France, disheartened him, and filled him with suspicion.'
He continued his scientific correspondence with unbroken interest and undiminished logical acumen.