An undesirable person
Objectionable or not likely to please
Education produced many unforeseen and undesirable practical results.
Again, it is generally recognized to be undesirable to give marks for a smattering.
There were, moreover, public reasons why a change of government was undesirable.
This action is probably due to the digitonin, which is thus a constituent in every way undesirable.
If the conditions are such that the methods of § 61 cannot be used, or are undesirable as giving too much weight to particular ordinates, it is best to proceed in the manner indicated at the end of § 48; i.e.
A papal legate, in Bruce's time, was no more safe, if his errand was undesirable, than under John Knox, when Mary Stuart wore the crown.
Nevertheless the political situation was still embarrassing, for as the whole country beyond the range of British effective military control was masterless, it was undesirable to withdraw the troops before a government could be reconstructed which could stand without foreign support, and with which diplomatic relations of some kind might be arranged.
If the worship of Siva, despite the purport of his chief symbol, seems on the whole less liable to produce these undesirable effects than that of the rival deity, it is doubt- less due partly to the real nature of that emblem being little realized by the common people, and partly to the somewhat repellent character of the "great god," more favourable to evoking feelings of awe and terror than a spirit of fervid devotion.
In view of the fact that fresh grape juice contains innumerable bacteria and moulds, in addition to the yeast cells which bring about the alcoholic fermentation, and that the means which are adopted by the brewer and the distiller for checking the action of these undesirable organisms cannot be employed by the wine-maker, it is no doubt remarkable that the natural wine yeast so seldom fails to assert a preponderating action, particularly as the number of yeast cells at the beginning of fermentation is relatively small.
Of the other alkaloids narceine is hypnotic, like morphine and codeine, whilst thebaine, papaverine and narcotine have an action which resembles that of strychnine, and is, generally speaking, undesirable or dangerous if at all well marked.
The amount of volatile acid should be very small, and, except in special cases, a percentage of volatile acid exceeding 0.1 to 0.15%, according to the class of wine, will indicate that an abnormal or undesirable fermentation has taken place.
There are therefore in most prescriptions (i) a basis or chief ingredient intended to cure (curare), (2) an adjuvant to assist its action and make it cure quickly (cito), (3) a corrective to prevent or lessen any undesirable effect (tuto), and (4) a vehicle or excipient to make it suitable for administration and pleasant to the patient (jucunde).
The main crop should be planted by the middle of March, sprouted sets being used; late planting is very undesirable.
It is possible that the hybridizing of the potato with one or other of the wild types of tuberous Solanums may give rise to a variety which shall be immune, though unfortunately most are themselves liable to the attacks of the fungus, and one of the few crosses so made between the common potato and Solanum Maglia has exhibited the same undesirable trait.
Quite distinct is the search for the germs which cause undesirable changes, or " diseases "; and great strides have been made in discovering the bacteria concerned in rendering milk " ropy," butter " oily " and " rancid," &c. Cheese in its numerous forms contains myriads of bacteria, and some of these are now known to be concerned in the various processes of ripening and other changes affecting the product, and although little is known as to the exact part played by any species, practical applications of the discoveries of the decade 1890-1900 have been made, e.g.
Thenceforward the troops in these regions were only employed on police duties; but their withdrawal to other theatres of war was, in view of a possible intervention by Austria-Hungary, considered undesirable.
The reputation of these coins for purity of metal and accuracy of weight was so great that they had a very wide circulation, and in consequence it was thought undesirable to make any alteration in the types lest their genuineness should be doubted.
Mill's principle, though sound in the abstract, has, except in a few cases, little practical value in determining the admissibility of hypotheses, and in practice any rule which tends to discourage hypothesis is in general undesirable.
I have known Sharon for 20 years and far from being an undesirable alien who should be deported she is a model citizen.
Where these are considered to be undesirable, the Society will lodge a written objection.
This mistaking of mere technical capacity for what really matters is the one thing guaranteed to make the new inventions undesirable.
Second homes = socially undesirable = increase taxes to discourage.
Conclusion The detention of asylum seekers is inherently undesirable.
Does he agree that this would cause disruption in the service, and would also be politically undesirable?
However, that begs the issue - some people clearly see wind farms as environmentally undesirable.
He said this proposal was " highly undesirable " .
It is obviously undesirable for an individual to have to make everything he wants himself.
Each sector was considered undesirable by at least one respondent.
This discovery was of great importance to the zymo-technical industries, for it showed that bacteria are not the only undesirable organisms which may occur in yeast.
In the Konigsberg transit instrument used by Struve and Cohn, the clockwork was attached to the eye-end of the instrument - a condition which is obviously undesirable both from the necessarily unsymmetrical position of the clockwork with respect to the optical axis, and from the impossibility of securing the uniform going of the clock in different positions of the instrument.
Perhaps it was felt that to preserve uniformity of teaching in the schools it was undesirable to popularize the extant collections, or perhaps the references must be reconsidered in the light of those significant changes after the fall of Jerusalem which have been mentioned above (§ 3).
The memory of the courage and devotion with which men, women and even children faced torture, death and ruin for an ideal impossible and undesirable is dear to the Scottish people.
Thus, in short, if we ask for a clear and definite fundamental intuition, distinct from regard for happiness, we find really nothing in Whewell's doctrine except the single rule of veracity (including fidelity to promises); and even of this the axiomatic character becomes evanescent on closer inspection, since it is not maintained that the rule is practically unqualified, but only that it is practically undesirable to formulate its qualifications.
Tolerance of ambiguity became desirable where it previously had been seen as undesirable.
To tame residual undesirable energy, the stabilizer is placed at the most effective tonearm position, on the pickup itself.
We make use of what other people consider undesirable technological side-effects.
In fact, until the roots of fear are eradicated, no undesirable trait can be fully eliminated.
Whatever you do, or do not do, there will be morally undesirable consequences.
Repeated crashes of recovery procedures would have no undesirable side effects in the system 's TCB.
Creation of an undesirable precedent, making it difficult to resist similar proposals elsewhere.
Samples are also taken to ensure that feed is not contaminated with any undesirable substances.
He said this proposal was " highly undesirable ".
There are many occasions however where it is uneconomic or undesirable to do so.
A very important part of the RHS survey stated that it is undesirable to have non- porous materials in gardens such as concrete.
If the Board considers the proposed conditions of a tournament to be undesirable in the interests of the sport, it may withhold sanction.
Which, I will be more blunt than David, I think is undesirable for two reasons.
Estate Agents have large lists of available rental properties and can assist you in finding the right one for you (and steer you away from undesirable locations).
For purebred breeders, this is an undesirable trait and is reason for disqualification at a Cat Fanciers Association show.
With very careful and selective breeding, the crossed eyes and kinked tails of Siamese cats, which are considered undesirable traits, have been almost completely bred out.
You have no way of knowing how the furniture was dried out and if any kind of contamination occurred.If the furniture was salvaged from a factory fire it should have been properly cleaned for smoke damage to prevent any undesirable smell.