Not contested or disputed; not made the object of competition.
Income from currently occupied and uncontested hexes containing rubium mines is then collected.
If the spouses have no children from the marriage and agree on the important terms in the New York divorce case, such as property division and alimony, then the court will grant an uncontested divorce.
When at last the question arose of giving the Christian world a new pope, this time sole and uncontested, Pierre d'Ailly defended the right of the cardinals, if not to keep the election entirely in their own hands, at any rate to share in the election, and he brought forward an ingenious system for reconciling the pretensions of the council with the rights of the Sacred College.
In all martial and chivalrous accomplishments he was already an adept; and when, a year later, he succeeded to supreme power, his superior ability was as uncontested as it was incontestable.
This document produces the Affidavit you need when you are seeking an uncontested divorce on the grounds of behavior.
In an uncontested scrum, the teams do not compete for the ball.
If the ball is passed forward or knocked on, an uncontested scrummage is awarded.
As early as 1100 Bohemund was captured in battle by Danishmend of Sivas; and it was his captivity, depriving the patriarch as it did of Norman assistance, which allowed the uncontested accession of Baldwin I.
In an uncontested divorce, both parties decide the best way to end their marriage without going to trial.
The term uncontested divorce simply means that all issues were resolved outside the courtroom.
Uncontested divorces move faster than other types of divorces.
Despite its many advantages, an uncontested divorce isn't appropriate in all cases.
In an uncontested divorce, it's absolutely critical that both parties seek the assistance of separate lawyers.
Even if you have an uncontested divorce, attorney fees and the miscellaneous costs associated with setting up a new household can easy put a strain on your budget.
Even if you and your spouse agree to an uncontested divorce, you must have one of the grounds.
An uncontested divorce is recommended only when there are no children involved.
You can buy a do-it-yourself kit over the internet that will help you file for an uncontested divorce in your state.
You can purchase online divorce kits that allow you to obtain a quick and inexpensive uncontested divorce in your area.
These divorce documents will be important even if you are filing for an uncontested divorce.
You can file for an uncontested divorce.
Parties who most frequently file on their own do so because their divorce is uncontested, meaning they have no children and are in total agreement regarding the division of their assets.
What is the standard fee for filing an uncontested divorce?
Just as there are few people who should file an uncontested divorce, it is in the best interest of most people to enter into a divorce settlement only while under the guidance of an attorney.
If you and your spouse do not need a California divorce lawyer and are able to end your marriage on good terms, you may be able to file an uncontested divorce.
If the divorce is an uncontested one, the process can be completed relatively quickly and inexpensively.
For best results, parents should strive to put aside their differences and come to a common decision about the children during an uncontested divorce.
If the respondent agrees with the provisions in the petition, he or she can file an Answer and a Waiver to the Petition, and the divorce will proceed in an uncontested manner.
But the election is uncontested and we don't have any bucks to spare, so I don't see any reason to waste money.