Not anticipated.
The child also learns to perform these techniques in new, unanticipated situations.
Unanticipated medical bills for you or a family member that are not covered by your health insurance policy or HMO can become staggering.
When a death is unanticipated, as in a case of accident or violence, children may grieve longer and more intensely.
This unanticipated finding, made on a distant flyby, was subsequently confirmed during two follow-on flybys, one very close to Enceladus.
You must be prepared for unexpected delays and unanticipated problems with your children.
In 1997, the company moved into Chile and Argentina, and experienced unanticipated success during the economic boom that occurred in those countries.
In some cases, this death is sudden and unanticipated - a stillbirth or a fatal condition not diagnosed during the pregnancy.
Those with a considerable amount of self awareness may even come up with a plan of sorts for dealing with those unanticipated events.
An originally unanticipated difficulty has arisen from the fact that the reseau-lines have not been ruled on plates of optical glass with optical surfaces, and that, in consequence of irregular refraction in the glass plate, the rays do not always pass through the silver film-lines in a direction strictly normal to the silvered surface; therefore, if the sensitive surface of the photographic plate is not in contact with the silver film of the reseau, the undeveloped photographic copy of the reseau may in such a case not be an exact reproduction of the silvered reseau.
His character developed unanticipated strength on the practical side; he became a vigorous employer of labour, an active planter, above all a powerful and benignant island chieftain.