Couch grass (Elymus repens; a species of grass, often considered as a weed)
An eye twitch is an example of a simple motor tic.
This exercise also works your slow twitch muscle fibers.
Can't you just twitch your nose and make them appear?
Suddenly the broad muscles and lines of the count's face began to twitch.
Really, we are too old, but I look at you, you look at me, our mouths twitch.
Dr. Bombay even put on an appearance to fully complete the homage to the original show about a witch with a twitch.
Similarly, such a single stimulus elicits from a skeletal muscle a single "beat," or, as it is termed, a "twitch."
Powerful magnets aimed at the motor cortex have been shown to induce muscles to twitch.
Not even the cameras detected the nervous twitch in the leg.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included).
It has been found that fast twitch fibers generally produce more lactate than slow twitch.
He tried to cry out and was shocked to feel his ears twitch as he uttered a ringing neigh.
Slow twitch fibers are the prime fiber cells used in long distance aerobic events.
I notice that Jack 's feet do not twitch nervously or anything either - he 's quite absorbed with what is going on.
The client could twitch slightly, fiddle with a ring or lick their lips.
An example is the ' knee-jerk ' reflex, which involves a sudden twitch of a limb muscle caused by tapping the tendon.
A final type of sleep start is a flowing sleep start where you might moan or grunt as you twitch and wake up.
That's what make's O-3 Entertainment's decision to bring Chaos Field to the U.S. such a welcome one for fans of twitch gaming.
Meanwhile, those not as well versed in twitch gaming will struggle with the fact that the game has no save function and limited continues.
They twitch while they're on the ground long after being blasted by this grenade.
The set comes with the garbage truck, Lotso, Buzz, Jessie, and Twitch figures.
These individuals typically have a large majority of "fast twitch" muscle fibers that have a highly developed glycolytic energy system.
They could sprinkle fairy dust And twitch their little nose, And the windows would be sparkling And I'd have no dirty clothes.
Twitch, one half of the legendary Dynamic DJ Duo that is Optimo, took the parts and made a mean gumbo.
The infusion rate should be adjusted to maintain twitch response at 10% of control twitch height.
They are a combination of the two not fully fast twitch or fully slow twitch.
At a dinner table he would, in a fit of absence, stoop down and twitch off a lady's shoe.
The current was adjusted to obtain the greatest twitch at the lowest stimulus intensity.
As such, they are considered slow twitch or endurance muscles, which should be active for most of the day.
She sensed more than saw the tiny twitch of a knowing smirk.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included ).
The tension developed by their means in the muscle is many times greater than that developed by a simple twitch.
In the 80s and 90s, some genres such as Role Playing Games (RPGs) were far more popular on computers than on consoles and many players associated twitch shooters and action platform games with the platforms that hooked to TVs.
The terms hypnic jerk or involuntary myoclonic twitch is used to refer to the muscle twitch that sometimes happens in a muscle or group of muscles before falling asleep.
It's not quite a "twitch" style game wherein you can just run into the middle of the field with guns a-blazing, but it's nowhere near as technical as something like Rainbow Six or Splinter Cell.
Early video games took advantage of their console peripherals, optimizing their twitch action play for hand controllers with buttons and d-pads.
Everyone has fast twitch muscle fibers, and everyone relies on these fibers during anaerobic exercise, but athletes who excel in anaerobic sports typically have a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers than slow twitch fibers.
Since we only perform this action when getting out of bed or bending over to pick something off the floor, the outer unit or superficial abdominal muscles are fast twitch muscles, which are designed for short-duration activity.
The homologies between man and other animals which both schools try to account for; the explanation of the intervals, with apparent want of intermediate forms, which seem to the creationists so absolute a separation between species; the evidence of useless " rudimentary organs," such as in man the external shell of the ear, and the muscle which enables some individuals to twitch their ears, which rudimentary parts the evolutionists claim to be only explicable as relics of an earlier specific condition, - these, which are the main points of the argument on the origin of man, belong to general biology.
Prince Vasili said no more and his cheeks began to twitch nervously, now on one side, now on the other, giving his face an unpleasant expression which was never to be seen on it in a drawing room.
At this stage collapse may set in, the patient become faint, the limbs twitch, the radical pulse become imperceptible, and unconsciousness supervene.
Then the great actor gave his coat a hitch and his mouth a twitch, and in an instant I was in the village of Falling Water and felt Schneider's shaggy head against my knee.