A coarse woolen fabric used for clothing.
The leading industries comprise manufactures of tweeds, hosiery, clogs, baskets and leather, besides the timber trade, nursery gardening and the making of machinery and iron implements.
The woollen manufactures, dating from the close of the 16th century, are the most important in Scotland, though now mainly confined to the weaving of tweeds.
The flannel manufacture has been transferred to Newtown, but Welshpool has tweeds and woollen shawls, besides a fair trade in agricultural produce, malting and tanning.
The principal industries include distilling, slate-quarrying and the manufacture of tweeds, tartans and other woollens.
The industries include distilling and brewing, nursery gardening, tanning, saw and flour mills, iron-foundries and manufactures of woollens, tweeds and plaiding, and the quarrying of sandstone.
Its chief industry is the manufacture of tweeds and fine yarns, which, together with the fame of its medicinal springs, brought the burgh into prominence towards the end of the 18th century.
Already famous for its plaids and blankets, the prosperity of the burgh advanced when it took up the manufacture of tweeds.
Coarse tweeds and blanketing are manufactured for home use from the sheep's wool which is plucked from the animal, not shorn.
The leading manufactures are ginghams, tweeds and shirtings, and the town is also an important agricultural centre, stock sales taking place at regular intervals and cattle and horse fairs being held every year.
Tweeds, blankets, shawls, tartans, lace curtains, cottons and winceys are also produced.
There are spinning-mills, and manufactures of tweeds, tartans and other woollen goods.
There are distilleries, breweries, tanneries and iron foundries in the city; and manufactures of woollen and leather goods, tweeds, friezes, gloves and chemical manure.
The leading industries are the manufacture of hosiery, established in 1771, and woollens, dating from 1830, including blankets, shepherd's plaiding and tweeds.
The first woollen mill in the colony was established here, and the tweeds, cloths and other woollen fabrics of the town are noted throughout Australia.
The industries include manufactures of tweeds, blankets, agricultural implements, and boots and shoes; there are also distilleries, breweries, flour mills, and lime and manure works.
It has manufactures of tweeds.
Cast caution aside with the fisher king of San Diego For most people, fly fishing conjures images of tranquil riverbanks and tweeds.
Once woven, tweeds are sent back to the mill where every inch is examined.
What a variety of welsh tweeds was piled up in that long, low room!
Langholm, with a population of about 2500 is noted for the fine tweeds produced by its weaving industry.
Top quality tweeds in field coats and jackets to matching waistcoats, breeks and caps.
What a variety of Welsh tweeds was piled up in that long, low room !
The style of Ralph Lauren clothing tends to be classic and on the preppy side, with an emphasis on collared shirts, v-neck sweaters, tweeds, blues and reds and other classic patterns.
One of the most popular tweeds, Harris, saw its star rise in 1843, when Lady Catherine Herbert saw the fine quality of the cloth being woven by two sisters.
Tweeds, which had been worn in the country for decades, were now worn by gentlemen as well when they were engaged in outdoor sports.
With a classic and ageless appearance, the Chanel collection for fall 2006 still offers similar trends to history, from tweeds to chains, -- and always a "little black bag."