Overly quaint, dainty, cute or nice.
Am not good at slow walks to ice cream vans, lingering visits to twee villages or staring in estate agent windows.
Can ' it ' get much better than pleasantly twee Swedish indie?
These songs are beautiful, and underneath Isobel's twee, whispy voice, really quite dark.
These can sound very natural, very dark, very twee, or very sci fi.
Their live concerts included improvisation alongside their quirky, almost twee chamber rock.
One thing Scotland really is synonymous with is quaint twee pop music.
So, White Heat, not exactly the bastion of twee indie pop, but just occasionally they strike out.
The results are so easy on the eye that I am almost willing to forgive them their twee little name.
This is decidedly British, somewhat twee, dreamy pop music - and boy, is it good.
Well, ok, rock in a power pop, twee kind of way, but this album rocks harder than the last one nonetheless.
This is literate pop music, kind of twee, but with a little edge, not unlike something Cherry Red Records might have released.
Fantastic Four's last tpb was ok, bit twee, but OK, bit twee, but ok.
Utterly shambolic twee garage from people old enough to know better.
As always with Disney, there are moments when it all seems a bit twee, others when it is excessively PC.
The art show was interesting, although some stuff was rather twee for my tastes.
They come across as slightly twee, after the terrific build up to them.
The best bit was falling for styles that I'd imagined to be too twee or impractical.
I'll try that nt Rosebuds, in 1917 i believe Rainbows is not twee tho really, well no more than Brownies anyway.
Perhaps that makes it sound twee - it 's not at all.
Perhaps that makes it sound twee - it's not at all.