A deity or spirit serving as a guardian or protector of a place, person, culture, etc.; a tutelar, a tutelary deity.
Relating to guardianship or protection.
When a minor is involved, tutelary powers frequently accompany powers of attorney.
Of or pertaining to a guardian.
My uncle is always happy to discharge his tutelary responsibilities towards me.
Having the qualities of a tutor.
He is the tutelary deity of women and presides over marriage ceremonies.
The object of certain sacrifices is to provide a tutelary deity of a house, town or frontier.
The Aeginetans at first contented themselves with sending the images of the Aeacidae, the tutelary heroes of their island.
If Assyria finally overthrew Israel and carried off Yahweh's shrine, Assur (Asur), the tutelary deity of Assyria, was mightier than Yahweh.
The assignment of genii to buildings and gates is connected with an important class of sacrifices; in order to provide a tutelary spirit, or to appease chthonic deities, it was often the custom to sacrifice a human being or an animal at the foundation of a building; sometimes we find a similar guardian provided for the frontier of a country or of a tribe.
But the Buddha is now forgotten there, and the bas relief is reverenced only for the figure of the mother, who has been turned into a tutelary deity of the place.
The wheel being her symbol she was the patron saint of wheelwrights and mechanics; as the confounder of heathen sophistry she was invoked by theologians, apologists, preachers and philosophers, and was chosen as the patron saint of the university of Paris; as the most holy and illustrious of Christian virgins she became the tutelary saint of nuns and virgins generally.
In obedience to these they often travelled hundreds of miles in company with, or in the wake of, their intended victims before a safe opportunity presented itself for executing their design; and, when the deed was done, rites were performed in honour of that tutelary deity, and a goodly portion of the spoil was set apart for her.
Ciriaco, is said to occupy the site of a temple of Venus, who is mentioned by Catullus and Juvenal as the tutelary deity of the place.
From the earliest Christian times the saints took the place of the pagan tutelary deities (Di tutelares) and were in this capacity called tutelares or patroni, patron-saints.
The Delians, suffering a dire pestilence, consulted their oracles, and were ordered to double the volume of the altar to their tutelary god, Apollo.
This high-priestly office towards the tutelary deity of the nation appears to have belonged to the king by virtue of his royal rank.
In Sumatra the elephant is regarded as a tutelary spirit.
In Easter Island a form of the house-god is the lizard; it is also a tutelary deity in Madagascar.
It is frequently found among the tutelary deities of North American dancing or secret societies.
In many parts of the world it is held that the human body is the seat of more than one soul; in the island of Nias four are distinguished, the shadow and the intelligence, which die with the body, a tutelary spirit, termed begoe, and a second which is carried on the head.
Thus the early kings of Assyria were priests of Assur (Asur), the tutelary deity of Assyria.
Her statue was placed in the temple of Venus, and she was numbered among the tutelary deities of Rome.
It is a common error to suppose that the whole of African religion is embraced in the practices connected with these tutelary deities; so far from this being the case, belief in higher gods, not necessarily accompanied with worship or propitiation, is common in many parts of Africa, and there is no reason to suppose that it had been derived in every case, perhaps not in any case, from Christian or Mahommedan missionaries.
In poetical tradition Faunus is an old king of Latium, the son of Picus (Mars) and father of Latinus, the teacher of agriculture and cattle-breeding, and the introducer of the religious system of the country, honoured after death as a tutelary divinity.
Society may have at one time been matrilinear in the communities that become the historic Hellenes; but of this there is no trace in the worship of Zeus and Hera.18 In fact, the whole of the family morality in Hellas centred in Zeus, whose altar in the courtyard was the bond of the kinsmen; and sins against the family, such as unnatural vice and the exposure of children, are sometimes spoken of as offences against the High God.I" He was also the tutelary deity of the larger organization of the phratria; and the altar of Zeus c Pparpcos was the meetingpoint of the phrateres, when they were assembled to consider the legitimacy of the new applicants for admission into their circle.20 His religion also came to assist the development of certain legal ideas, for instance, the rights of private or family property in land; he guarded the allotments as Zein KAdpcos,2' and the Greek commandment " thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark " was maintained by Zeus " Opcos, the god of boundaries, a more personal power than the Latin Jupiter Terminus.22 His highest political functions were summed up in the title IIoXtfin, a cult-name of legendary antiquity in Athens, and frequent in the Hellenic world.23 His consort in his political life was not Hera, but his daughter Athena Polias.
The plural Semones was used of a class of supernatural beings, a kind of tutelary deities of the state.
The rolling fiery wheel was taken to be a representation of Man's tutelary deity, the sea god Manannan.
The guardian spirit also is called a ' power animal ', ' tutelary spirit ', totemic animal ' or ' familiar '.
She was the tutelary Goddess to the ill-fated hero Cu Chulainn; she was the Faery Queen and the Washer at the Ford.
The evangelist Mark is asserted to have been their first patriarch, and is honored as their tutelary saint.
These angels are considered one type of a specific group of angels, known as the tutelary angels, and they are believed to be assigned to a specific person by God.
At Porto Novo, in French West Africa, twins have tutelary spirits in the shape of small monkeys.