An abnormal growth; differential diagnosis includes abscess, metaplasia, and neoplasia.
In addition, primary skin tumors such as melanoma have a predilection to spread to the liver.
A different marker on 3p14.2 showed an identical shifted band in the three tumors indicative of a common microsatellite alteration.
Seven of the 12 tumors had thin fibrous capsules that were not seen on sonography.
One members asked whether there was any evidence that non-genotoxic carcinogens could induce tumors over a short duration of exposure.
Eight had progressive disease as the best response on their last platinum-based chemotherapy, and three had potentially sensitive tumors.
With prophylactic colectomy, the main risks to life are the development of duodenal cancer or desmoid tumors.
It can usefully be applied to cases of suspected spinal cord compression which often results from spinal tumors or from slipped disks.
Every toxicologist, physiologist, medical doctor and most chemists know that... Cigarette smoke condensate applied to the backs of mice causes tumors.
The great majority of tumors are potentially curable in their early stages.
Patients come from across the globe to have tumors treated by the UK ' s only medical cyclotron.
Mixed tumors can occur Elderly patients are affected and they present with painless progressive dysphagia, initially to solids and then to liquids.
The tumors of the bilateral epididymis were surgically resected and of the right renal tumor enucleated.
In T3 tumors of the distal esophagus, a negative EUS result does not substantiate absence of CLN disease.
In an attempt to identify the molecular etiology of the tumors DNA was extracted from paraffin fixed tissue from both patients.
Ovarian tumors are common in female gerbils with poor reproductive performance.
At that time, germ cell tumors were the cause of death in 400 males per year in germ cell tumors were the cause of death in 400 males per year in Germany.
Early results have shown promise for extending survival in patients with highly aggressive brain tumors called gliomas.
All three CR patients had the histology of endometrioid carcinoma with the tumors located in the pelvis.
However, in the case of testicular tumors, a small secondary hydrocele is present in one third of cases.
Since tumors are poorly immunogenic, the second essential element of a cancer vaccine is to increase the strength of the immune response.
The restriction point couples proliferation to external cues, and hence is frequently inactivated in tumors that grow autonomously.
There was no increased incidence of liver tumors in rats.
Women with invasive ovarian tumors were no more likely to have been exposed to any ovulation induction agents.
Awake craniotomy with propofol infusion has become increasingly popular for the optimal excision of brain tumors located in eloquent areas.
Tumors that are located in the areas of the brain that control breathing, intellect or physical movement would possibly be considered inoperable.
These tumors rarely move to internal body organs and are only locally invasive.
The six tumors that could not be analyzed using the direct method showed a normal karyotype.
It helps with breast and lung tumors, and can promote lactation.
Fat pets are more susceptible to fatty tumors called lipomas.
These bright areas could indicate possible locations of tumors or other abnormalities.
Almost all Ewing's sarcoma tumors have a change in their genetic makeup.
The implanted tumors develop into large, highly malignant brain tumors in the puppies.
These growths are often called tumors but are usually not malignant or cancer.
As the tumors keep on growing a young person who develops acoustic neuroma will almost always eventually develop symptoms from it.
Hearing impairment British Acoustic neuroma Association Help for sufferers of acoustic neuroma brain tumors.
None of the tumors was localized exclusively to the parotid gland, so the primary site was referred to as the " parotid region.
This report documents that islet cell tumors may function by secreting pancreatic polypeptide but not cause symptoms.
Ovarian germ cell tumors occur in young women in whom fertility preservation is of great concern.
There is more detailed information about stereotactic radiotherapy in the treating brain tumors section of CancerHelp UK.
Some tumors have higher estrogen receptor levels than others.
Salmon carry abscesses and tumors, the herring never returned, and the sea lion rookery at Montague Island remains silent and empty.
This is a type of primary bone cancer - one of a group of tumors called spindle cell sarcomas.
Eight of nine primary tumors and 41 metastatic lesions were detected by 131I-MIBG scintigraphy.
This tumor selectivity has been demonstrated for transplanted tumors in animal models.
Many patients ' tumors show shrinkage well within the 12-week period others may take many months to respond.
The main problem raised by these tumors is confounding infection which may lead to late diagnosis or an error in tumor staging.
All malignant salivary gland tumors expressed similar intense HA in tumor stroma.
A hallmark of this disease is the induction of large plant tumors that are filled with masses of black-pigmented teliospores.
The majority of human tumors stabilize their telomere lengths by activation of the enzyme telomerase.
These include thalidomide which is a drug that reduces the blood supply to tumors to stop them growing.