Any of several diseases or infections caused by a trypanosome.
Prevalence of bovine trypanosomiasis of up to 40% has been reported.
In the few cases of trypanosomiasis confirmed by us using wet preps we found that each had a low PCV (about 19 ).
The project has developed and distributed posters and leaflets on How to check for and treat trypanosomiasis.
In order to transmit trypanosomiasis infected tsetse flies must land on and bite the animal.
It contributed to the fight against African trypanosomiasis in two ways.
The aim is to halt transmission of human and animal trypanosomiasis by progressively eliminating tsetse populations throughout the endemic regions of Africa.
Unfortunately, to avoid cattle trypanosomiasis, farmers are often forced away from these more productive grazing lands to marginal areas.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy ), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
One of the most serious diseases to these animals is trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma evansi.
Traditionally, trypanosomiasis control has been achieved using a variety of methods, often used in combination to increase their efficacy.
Impact The project made good progress in helping to identify the fly species that are probable bovine trypanosomiasis vectors in the area.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
African sleeping sickness is the common name for human African trypanosomiasis.
Despite being mentioned on an episode of House, no recorded cases of African trypanosomiasis have been reportedly transmitted via sexual contact.
Sleeping sickness is parasitic disease also known as Human African Trypanosomiasis, or sometimes the African Sleeping Sickness.
This implies that farmers need only treat older and larger animals within their herds with insecticide to control trypanosomiasis, thus saving them money.
Objectives The project aimed to reduce the burden of both cattle and human trypanosomiasis through cost-effective and sustainable management of the former.
Impact This research used the most up to date DNA profiling techniques to identify practical strategies to help farmers control trypanosomiasis.